Interface ILcyLayerSubsetList

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public interface ILcyLayerSubsetList
This is an interface for defining a list of one or more ILcdLayer subset(s). This can be seen as a list of Vectors. Each Vector is associated to an ILcdLayer. It contains a subset of Objects of the ILcdModel the ILcdLayer refers to. The method asAssocs returns and array of ILcdAssoc. The key of the ILcdAssoc refers to the ILcdLayer, the value to the Vector.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    addElement(Object aObject, ILcdLayer aLayer)
    Adds an Object to the subset associated with the given ILcdLayer.
    Retrieves all the subsets as an array of ILcdAssoc.
    contains(Object aObject)
    Checks if aObject is contained in one of the layer subsets of this list.
    Returns an Enumeration of all the Objects in all the ILcdLayer subsets.
    Returns an Enumeration of all ILcdLayers in this list which are associated with at least one Object.
    Returns an Enumeration of all Objects currently in the subset associated with the given ILcdLayer
    Removes all the subsets.
    removeElement(Object aObject, ILcdLayer aLayer)
    Removes an Object that was in the subset associated with the given ILcdLayer.
    Returns the first ILcdLayer encountered in this list that is associated with the given Object.
    Returns the number of Objects in all the ILcdLayer subsets.
  • Method Details

    • addElement

      void addElement(Object aObject, ILcdLayer aLayer)
      Adds an Object to the subset associated with the given ILcdLayer. aObject must belong to the ILcdModel that aLayer refers to.
      aObject - The Object to add.
      aLayer - The ILcdLayer aObject belongs to.
    • removeElement

      void removeElement(Object aObject, ILcdLayer aLayer)
      Removes an Object that was in the subset associated with the given ILcdLayer.
      aObject - The Object to remove.
      aLayer - The ILcdLayer aObject belongs to.
    • layerSubset

      Enumeration layerSubset(ILcdLayer aLayer)
      Returns an Enumeration of all Objects currently in the subset associated with the given ILcdLayer
      An Enumeration of all Objects currently in the subset associated with the given ILcdLayer.
    • layers

      Enumeration layers()
      Returns an Enumeration of all ILcdLayers in this list which are associated with at least one Object.
      An Enumeration of all ILcdLayers in this list which are associated with at least one Object.
    • retrieveLayer

      ILcdLayer retrieveLayer(Object aObject)
      Returns the first ILcdLayer encountered in this list that is associated with the given Object. Returns null if aObject is not associated with any ILcdLayer in this list.
      aObject - The object for which the layer should be retrieved.
      The first ILcdLayer associated with aObject.
    • asAssocs

      ILcdAssoc[] asAssocs()
      Retrieves all the subsets as an array of ILcdAssoc. The key of the ILcdAssoc refers to an ILcdLayer, the value to a Vector that contains the subset of Objects that belongs to the ILcdLayer.
      The array of ILcdAssoc objects associating the layers with their objects.
    • removeAllElements

      void removeAllElements()
      Removes all the subsets.
    • elements

      Enumeration elements()
      Returns an Enumeration of all the Objects in all the ILcdLayer subsets.
      An Enumeration of all the Objects in all the ILcdLayer subsets.
    • size

      int size()
      Returns the number of Objects in all the ILcdLayer subsets.
      The number of Objects in all the ILcdLayer subsets.
    • contains

      boolean contains(Object aObject)
      Checks if aObject is contained in one of the layer subsets of this list. Tests shall be done by comparing Object reference (not using Object.equals)
      aObject - The object whose presence in this list is to be tested.
      true if the given Object belongs to one of the ILcdLayer subsets, false otherwise.