Interface ILcyLayerStyleProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ILcyLayerStyleProvider

Provides operations to retrieve and copy a layer's style.

To register a style provider, add it as a service to the Lucy backend. A layer's style should be contained in a ILcyLayerStyle and can be used to describe its visibility, painter settings, ...

Layer styles can be used to copy the style of the layer within layers of the same format.

  • Method Details

    • getStyle

      ILcyLayerStyle getStyle(ILcdLayer aLayer)

      Returns the layer style of the given layer. As a result, modifying this style after it has been retrieved updates the layer style.

      When this ILcyLayerStyleProvider is unable to retrieve the layer's style, null should be returned.

      aLayer - The layer to get the style from.
      The style.
    • canGetStyle

      boolean canGetStyle(ILcdLayer aLayer)
      Returns true if the provider can return the given layer's style.
      aLayer - the layer to get the style from
      true if the provider can return the given layer's style, false otherwise.
      See Also:
    • applyStyle

      void applyStyle(ILcyLayerStyle aLayerStyle, ILcdLayer aLayerSFCT)
      Applies the given style to the given layer. As a result, the layer is modified to match the given style. Modifying the style object after it has been applied has no effect.
      aLayerStyle - The style to apply.
      aLayerSFCT - The layer to update.
    • canApplyStyle

      boolean canApplyStyle(ILcyLayerStyle aLayerStyle, ILcdLayer aLayerSFCT)
      Returns true if the provider can apply the given style to the given layer.
      aLayerStyle - The style to apply.
      aLayerSFCT - The layer to update.
      true if the provider can apply the given style to the given layer, false otherwise
      See Also: