Class ALcyFormatBarFactory

Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class ALcyFormatBarFactory extends Object

Factory to create ALcyFormatBars.

  • Constructor Details

    • ALcyFormatBarFactory

      protected ALcyFormatBarFactory()
      Default constructor.
  • Method Details

    • canCreateFormatBar

      public abstract boolean canCreateFormatBar(ILcdView aView, ILcdLayer aLayer)
      Returns true if a ALcyFormatBar can be created for the given parameters, false otherwise.
      aView - The view to create the bar for. Cannot be null.
      aLayer - The layer to create this bar for. Can be null. It is null if a bar needs to be created before any layer of the format is available.
      true if a ALcyFormatBar can be created for the given parameters, false otherwise.
    • createFormatBar

      public abstract ALcyFormatBar createFormatBar(ILcdView aView, ILcdLayer aLayer)

      Creates an ALcyFormatBar for the given parameters.

      This method does not need to set the given layer to the created ALcyFormatBar, that is the responsibility of the user of this method.

      aView - The view to create the bar for. Cannot be null.
      aLayer - The layer to create this bar for. Can be null. It is null if a bar needs to be created before any layer of the format is available.
      the newly created ALcyFormatBar.
      IllegalArgumentException - If canCreateDrawingBar returns false for the same parameters.