Interface ILcyPreviewAddOnListener

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ILcyPreviewAddOnListener extends EventListener

Interface defining a listener which can be attached to the TLcyPreviewAddOn, and which will be informed when the state of that preview add-on is changed.

If a class wants to be informed about the changes made to a TLcyPreviewAddOn it should implement this interface and register itself with a specific TLcyPreviewAddOn in order to be informed.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Alert this ILcyPreviewAddOnListener that the TLcyPreviewAddOnEvent ev has occurred
  • Method Details

    • previewAddOnChange

      void previewAddOnChange(TLcyPreviewAddOnEvent ev)
      Alert this ILcyPreviewAddOnListener that the TLcyPreviewAddOnEvent ev has occurred
      ev - the TLcyPreviewAddOnEvent that has occurred