Package com.luciad.input.touch

package com.luciad.input.touch
This package contains classes necessary to add touch based functionality to LuciadLightspeed.
  • TLcdTouchDevice: This class is responsible for the standard support for touch events available in LuciadLightspeed.
  • TLcdTouchEvent: this is the event that will be generated for touch based input.
  • TLcdTouchPoint: Touch events can have multiple input points. Each point is described by a instance of this class.
  • Class
    This singleton represents the built-in multi-touch support of LuciadLightspeed.
    An extension of TLcdAWTEvent designed for input originating from a touch device.
    This class describes the (change in) state of a single touch point.
    Enumeration of the supported states of touch points.