Package com.luciad.gui.swing.navigationcontrols

package com.luciad.gui.swing.navigationcontrols
This package contains the abstract super classes for various navigation control implementations. These classes control the appearance and the interaction with the mouse. The actual implementations have to specify the interaction with the views.
  • ALcdCompassNavigationControl contains most of the functionality necessary for a compass component. It offers a draggable rotation ring and area to pan or rotate a view.
  • ALcdPanNavigationControl offers an area very similar to the rotation area of the compass component. It is used to add a pan component for 3D Views.
  • ALcdZoomNavigationControl contains draggable slider that can be used to zoom in or out.
  • Classes
    This class implements the compass (usually the upper part) of the navigation controls.
    This class implements the pan component of the navigation panel.
    This class implements the zoom component of the navigation panel.
    This class is responsible for enabling/disabling all components added to this group when either of them receives a MouseEntered/MouseExited event.