Class TLcdBasicRangeSliderUI

Direct Known Subclasses:
TLcdAquaRangeSliderUI, TLcdMetalRangeSliderUI, TLcdMotifRangeSliderUI, TLcdNimbusRangeSliderUI, TLcdWindowsRangeSliderUI, TLcdWindowsXPRangeSliderUI

public abstract class TLcdBasicRangeSliderUI extends ComponentUI
  • Field Details

    • fSlider

      protected TLcdRangeSlider fSlider
    • fDarkShadowColor

      protected static Color fDarkShadowColor
    • fTickLength

      protected final int fTickLength
      See Also:

      protected static final int RANGE_MIN_DOWN
      See Also:

      protected static final int RANGE_MIN_DOWN_ADJUST_MAX
      See Also:

      protected static final int RANGE_MIN_UP
      See Also:

      protected static final int RANGE_MIN_UP_ADJUST_MAX
      See Also:

      protected static final int RANGE_MAX_DOWN
      See Also:

      protected static final int RANGE_MAX_DOWN_ADJUST_MIN
      See Also:

      protected static final int RANGE_MAX_UP
      See Also:

      protected static final int RANGE_MAX_UP_ADJUST_MIN
      See Also:

      protected static final int RANGE_LEFT
      See Also:

      protected static final int RANGE_RIGHT
      See Also:

      protected static final int TRACK_TICK_SPACING
      See Also:
    • fFocus

      protected final FocusListener fFocus
    • fMouse

      protected final MouseListener fMouse
    • fTickRect

      protected Rectangle fTickRect
      The rectangle in which the ticks should be rendered.
    • fMinThumb

      protected Rectangle fMinThumb
      The rectangle in which the minimum value thumb is rendered.
    • fMaxThumb

      protected Rectangle fMaxThumb
      The rectangle in which the maximum value thumb is rendered.
    • fRangeRect

      protected Rectangle fRangeRect
      The rectangle in which the range between the minimum and maximum thumb is rendered.
    • fFocusRect

      protected Rectangle fFocusRect
    • fContentRect

      protected Rectangle fContentRect
    • fLabelRect

      protected Rectangle fLabelRect
    • fTrackRect

      protected Rectangle fTrackRect
    • fSliderRect

      protected Rectangle fSliderRect
    • fFocusInsets

      protected Insets fFocusInsets
    • fInsetCache

      protected Insets fInsetCache
    • fLeftSliderIcon

      protected Icon fLeftSliderIcon
    • fRightSliderIcon

      protected Icon fRightSliderIcon
    • fTopSliderIcon

      protected Icon fTopSliderIcon
    • fBottomSliderIcon

      protected Icon fBottomSliderIcon
    • fMotion

      protected final MouseMotionListener fMotion
    • fChange

      protected final ChangeListener fChange
    • fComponent

      protected final ComponentListener fComponent
    • fProperty

      protected final PropertyChangeListener fProperty
    • fMoveCursor

      protected boolean fMoveCursor
    • fDragMin

      protected boolean fDragMin
    • fDragMax

      protected boolean fDragMax
    • fDragRange

      protected boolean fDragRange
    • leftSpace

      protected int leftSpace
    • rightSpace

      protected int rightSpace
    • fTrackBuffer

      protected int fTrackBuffer
    • fShadowColor

      protected Color fShadowColor
    • fHighlightColor

      protected Color fHighlightColor
    • fFocusColor

      protected Color fFocusColor
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdBasicRangeSliderUI

      public TLcdBasicRangeSliderUI()
  • Method Details

    • installUI

      public void installUI(JComponent c)
      installUI in class ComponentUI
    • installDefaults

      protected void installDefaults(TLcdRangeSlider slider)
    • uninstallUI

      public void uninstallUI(JComponent c)
      uninstallUI in class ComponentUI
    • getFocusColor

      public Color getFocusColor()
    • getHighlightColor

      public Color getHighlightColor()
    • getShadowColor

      public Color getShadowColor()
    • getMinimumSize

      public Dimension getMinimumSize(JComponent c)
      getMinimumSize in class ComponentUI
    • getPreferredSize

      public Dimension getPreferredSize(JComponent c)
      getPreferredSize in class ComponentUI
    • recalculateIfInsetsChanged

      protected void recalculateIfInsetsChanged()
    • paintFocus

      public void paintFocus(Graphics g)
    • paintLabels

      public void paintLabels(Graphics g)
    • paintHorizontalLabel

      protected void paintHorizontalLabel(Graphics g, double value, Component label)
      Called for every label in the label table. Used to draw the labels for horizontal sliders. The graphics have been translated to labelRect.y already.
      See Also:
    • paintVerticalLabel

      protected void paintVerticalLabel(Graphics g, double value, Component label)
      Called for every label in the label table. Used to draw the labels for vertical sliders. The graphics have been translated to labelRect.x already.
      See Also:
    • installListeners

      protected void installListeners(TLcdRangeSlider s)
    • uninstallListeners

      protected void uninstallListeners(TLcdRangeSlider s)
    • calculateGeometry

      protected void calculateGeometry()
    • calculateLabelRect

      protected void calculateLabelRect()
    • calculateRangeRect

      protected void calculateRangeRect()
    • calculateFocusRect

      protected void calculateFocusRect()
      Calculates and sets the rectangle to paint the focus line.
    • calculateContentRect

      protected void calculateContentRect()
      Calculates and sets the content rectangle, i.e. the area in which the components elements can be rendered.
    • calculateThumbSize

      protected void calculateThumbSize()
    • calculateSliderRect

      protected void calculateSliderRect()
    • getThumbSize

      protected Dimension getThumbSize()
    • calculateThumbLocation

      protected void calculateThumbLocation()
    • calculateTrackBuffer

      protected void calculateTrackBuffer()
    • calculateTrackRect

      protected void calculateTrackRect()
    • calculateTickRect

      protected void calculateTickRect()
    • getTickLength

      protected int getTickLength()
    • getHeightOfTallestLabel

      protected int getHeightOfTallestLabel()
    • getWidthOfWidestLabel

      protected int getWidthOfWidestLabel()
    • getWidthOfHighValueLabel

      protected int getWidthOfHighValueLabel()
    • getHighestValueLabel

      protected Component getHighestValueLabel()
    • xPositionForValue

      protected int xPositionForValue(double value)
    • yPositionForValue

      protected int yPositionForValue(double value)
    • installKeyboardActions

      protected void installKeyboardActions(TLcdRangeSlider slider)
    • uninstallKeyboardActions

      protected void uninstallKeyboardActions(TLcdRangeSlider slider)
    • paint

      public void paint(Graphics g, JComponent c)
      paint in class ComponentUI
    • paintTrack

      protected void paintTrack(Graphics g)
    • paintTicks

      protected void paintTicks(Graphics g)
    • paintMinorTickForHorizSlider

      protected void paintMinorTickForHorizSlider(Graphics g, Rectangle tickBounds, int x)
    • paintMajorTickForHorizSlider

      protected void paintMajorTickForHorizSlider(Graphics g, Rectangle tickBounds, int x)
    • paintMinorTickForVertSlider

      protected void paintMinorTickForVertSlider(Graphics g, Rectangle tickBounds, int y)
    • paintMajorTickForVertSlider

      protected void paintMajorTickForVertSlider(Graphics g, Rectangle tickBounds, int y)
    • paintRange

      protected abstract void paintRange(Graphics g)
    • paintThumbs

      protected void paintThumbs(Graphics g)