Class ALcdGeodeticSegmentScanner

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdSegmentScanner, ILcdStatusSource
Direct Known Subclasses:
TLcdGeodeticSegmentScanner, TLcdRhumblineSegmentScanner

public abstract class ALcdGeodeticSegmentScanner extends Object implements ILcdSegmentScanner, ILcdStatusSource
Implementation of ILcdSegmentScanner that is based on a geodetic reference.
  • Field Details

    • fProfilePointSFCT

      protected TLcdXYZPoint fProfilePointSFCT
      Utility point which can be used to move to the location of intermediate computed points.
    • fStatusEventSupport

      protected TLcdStatusEventSupport fStatusEventSupport
      Utility field to fire status events when scanning a segment.
  • Constructor Details

    • ALcdGeodeticSegmentScanner

      public ALcdGeodeticSegmentScanner()
  • Method Details