Class TLfnFileSystemTileStore

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILfnResourceMetadataResolver, Closeable, AutoCloseable

public class TLfnFileSystemTileStore extends ALfnTileStore
The main entry point for accessing a Luciad TileStore directly on the file system. All Tile Store operations are supported, except for TLfnTileStoreOperation.IMPORT_COVERAGE_OPERATION.

This class is thread-safe.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLfnFileSystemTileStore

      public TLfnFileSystemTileStore(File aHome, boolean aCreate, ALfnEnvironment aEnvironment) throws IOException
      Opens a Tile Store on the file system, optionally creating it first.

      A Tile Store created using this constructor uses the file-system based metadata store for storing and retrieving metadata, in which each metadata is stored in a separate XML file.

      aHome - the home directory of the Tile Store
      aCreate - true the Tile Store may be created on the file system if missing, false the Tile Store must not be created if missing and should throw FileNotFoundException
      aEnvironment - the core environment
      FileNotFoundException - when the Tile Store is missing and must not be created
      IOException - when the Tile Store cannot be opened
    • TLfnFileSystemTileStore

      public TLfnFileSystemTileStore(File aHome, boolean aCreate, ALfnEnvironment aEnvironment, ALfnTileStore.CommitPolicy aCommitPolicy) throws IOException
      Opens a Tile Store on the file system, optionally creating it first.

      A Tile Store created using this constructor uses the file-system based metadata store for storing and retrieving metadata, in which each metadata is stored in a separate XML file.

      aHome - the home directory of the Tile Store
      aCreate - true the Tile Store may be created on the file system if missing, false the Tile Store must not be created if missing and should throw FileNotFoundException
      aEnvironment - the core environment
      aCommitPolicy - if PER_COVERAGE, tiles will not be visible until the whole coverage is completely fused. This contrasts with the default PER_TILE, where new tiles are immediately visible. Use the former if you want a consistent view of the tiles in a coverage.
      FileNotFoundException - when the Tile Store is missing and must not be created
      IOException - when the Tile Store cannot be opened
    • TLfnFileSystemTileStore

      public TLfnFileSystemTileStore(File aHome, boolean aCreate, ALfnEnvironment aEnvironment, ALfnBinaryMetadataStore aAssetStore, ALfnBinaryMetadataStore aCoverageStore, ALfnBinaryMetadataStore aThemeStore) throws IOException, TLfnServiceException
      Opens a Tile Store on the file system, optionally creating it first.

      The metadata stores provided in the constructor are not closed upon shutdown of the environment; you should close them explicitly once they are no longer needed.

      aHome - the home directory of the Tile Store
      aCreate - true the Tile Store may be created on the file system if missing, false the Tile Store must not be created if missing and should throw FileNotFoundException
      aEnvironment - the core environment
      aAssetStore - the metadata store to store and retrieve asset metadata
      aCoverageStore - the metadata store to store and retrieve coverage metadata
      aThemeStore - the metadata store to store and retrieve theme metadata
      FileNotFoundException - when the Tile Store is missing and must not be created
      IOException - when the Tile Store cannot be opened
    • TLfnFileSystemTileStore

      public TLfnFileSystemTileStore(File aHome, boolean aCreate, ALfnEnvironment aEnvironment, ALfnTileStore.CommitPolicy aCommitPolicy, ALfnBinaryMetadataStore aAssetStore, ALfnBinaryMetadataStore aCoverageStore, ALfnBinaryMetadataStore aThemeStore) throws IOException, TLfnServiceException
      Opens a Tile Store on the file system, optionally creating it first.

      The metadata stores provided in the constructor are not closed upon shutdown of the environment; you should close them explicitly once they are no longer needed.

      aHome - the home directory of the Tile Store
      aCreate - true the Tile Store may be created on the file system if missing, false the Tile Store must not be created if missing and should throw FileNotFoundException
      aEnvironment - the core environment
      aCommitPolicy - if PER_COVERAGE, tiles will not be visible until the whole coverage is completely fused. This contrasts with the default PER_TILE, where new tiles are immediately visible. Use the former if you want a consistent view of the tiles in a coverage.
      aAssetStore - the metadata store to store and retrieve asset metadata
      aCoverageStore - the metadata store to store and retrieve coverage metadata
      aThemeStore - the metadata store to store and retrieve theme metadata
      FileNotFoundException - when the Tile Store is missing and must not be created
      IOException - when the Tile Store cannot be opened
  • Method Details