Class TLfnDigestTileStore

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILfnResourceMetadataResolver, Closeable, AutoCloseable

public class TLfnDigestTileStore extends ALfnTileStoreWrapper
A decorating Tile Store which adds a message digest to tiles and verifies message digests upon tile retrieval.

Whenever a getTile request is performed on coverages in this Tile Store, the Tile Store will compute the digest on the tile data and verify whether it corresponds to the recorded digest. If it doesn't, the error will be reported to the InvalidMessageDigestHandler of this Tile Store.

Whenever a putTile request is performed on coverages in this Tile Store, and no digest is provided externally, this Tile Store will compute the digest on the tile data and include it in the putTile request to the wrapped Tile Store.

This Tile Store can be used to decorate any other Tile Store (LTS client Tile Stores, file system Tile Stores, ...) with digesting functionality.

If no tile message digest algorithm is configured on the coverage metadata, this decorator has no effect.
