Class TLfnAreaSimplifyingGeometryProvider

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TLfnAreaSimplifyingGeometryProvider extends Object implements ILfnGeometryProvider
Since 2017.0 support for coverages of type VECTOR has been superseded with other mechanisms. Please refer to the Fusion migration guide for more information.
A geometry provider that simplifies areas by removing parts which are below threshold. This mechanism applies to
  • additive parts ('islands')
    • additive parts can be areas
    • additive parts can also be lines
  • subtractive parts ('holes')
In case all additive parts are below threshold, the whole feature is removed.

Typical use cases are island removal and removal of 'holes' in water areas.

  • Constructor Details

    • TLfnAreaSimplifyingGeometryProvider

      public TLfnAreaSimplifyingGeometryProvider(int aPixelThreshold, ILcdGeoReference aGeoReference)
      Constructs a new area simplifying geometry provider given a threshold in pixels and a geographic reference. The threshold in pixels applies to areas, so in order to omit areas below 10 x 10 pixels a threshold of 100 pixels should be used.

      Bear in mind that the threshold in pixels is not exact since it is relative to a geographic reference which may use a global average for screen resolution. This geometry provider inherits the distortions of its geographic reference.

      aPixelThreshold - an area threshold in pixels, must never be negative. A threshold of 10 generally yields good results
      aGeoReference - the geographic reference of the coverage, must not be null. This is typically obtained from the coverage metadata
  • Method Details

    • getPixelThreshold

      public int getPixelThreshold()
    • getGeometry

      public ILcdShape getGeometry(int aLevel, int aScaleDenominator, ILcdShape aPreviousLevelGeometry, ILcdDataObject aDataObject, ILcdShape aMaxLevelGeometry, ILcdModel aModel)
      Simplifies geometries by removing parts below threshold.
      Specified by:
      getGeometry in interface ILfnGeometryProvider
      aLevel - the level, between maxLevel-1 and 0
      aScaleDenominator - the scale denominator for the level, corresponding to a scale of 1:denominator
      aPreviousLevelGeometry - geometry used on the previous (i.e. more detailed) level aLevel+1
      aDataObject - the data object corresponding to the feature
      aMaxLevelGeometry - geometry at the maximum level (may be the same as the previous level geometry), this is the original geometry from the asset model converted to the coverage
      aModel - the asset model of the feature
      a simplified geometry with all parts below threshold removed, possibly null if the whole geometry or all its parts are below threshold