Class TLfnReplicationAreaOfInterestManager


public final class TLfnReplicationAreaOfInterestManager extends Object

This class manages the available areas of interest during a replication session. This class allows you to create new areas, change existing areas or delete them.

The available areas of interest include all the areas you define in a replication session, and all areas from a previous replication as well. This means that when you created and used an area of interest during a past replication of a certain tile store, the same area of interest will be available in the manager when replicating again.

Note: it is not possible to create instances of this class directly. An instance becomes available during replication (see TLfnReplication) and is only valid during the replication session.

  • Method Details

    • add

      public TLfnReplicationAreaOfInterest add(ILcdShape aShape, ILcdGeoReference aGeoReference, String aName)

      Creates and adds a new area of interest instance to this manager.

      Making subsequent changes to the area must be done using the setters available on the AreaOfInterest class. Simply modifying aShape and/or aGeoReference is not sufficient. Consult the javadoc of the setters and getters in the AreaOfInterest class for more information.

      aShape - The shape of the area of interest
      aGeoReference - The geo-reference in which the shape is defined. Currently only WGS 84 is supported as geo-reference
      aName - A name for the area of interest.
      The newly created area of interest
    • remove

      public void remove(TLfnReplicationAreaOfInterest aAreaOfInterest)

      Removes the specified area of interest from this manager.

      Each resource which was configured to use the specified area during replication will now replicate the whole dataset.

      aAreaOfInterest - The area of interest to remove
    • getAreas

      public List<TLfnReplicationAreaOfInterest> getAreas()

      Returns an unmodifiable list of all known areas.

      an unmodifiable list of all known areas.