Class TLspFusionGeometryProvider


public final class TLspFusionGeometryProvider extends Object
Since 2017.0 support for coverages of type VECTOR has been superseded with other mechanisms. Please refer to the Fusion migration guide for more information.

Provides access to the geometry of Fusion vector features.

Fusion vector features often have multiple geospatial representations; a same feature may for example be represented by a point at world-scale and a polygon at a more detailed zoom level. The ILcdShapeList interface of these features only provide access to the geometry of the feature at the most detailed level. The API provided by this class allows to retrieve the geospatial representation of features at the current view level.

Two mechanisms are provided for accessing feature geometry:

Consult the class javadoc of TLspFusionVectorLayerBuilder for more information about working with Fusion vector data in combination with an ILspStyler.

  • Field Details

    • TEXT

      public static final ALspStyleTargetProvider TEXT
      The style target provider instance for selecting ILcdText geometries.
    • POINT

      public static final ALspStyleTargetProvider POINT
      The style target provider instance for selecting ILcdPoint geometries.
    • LINE

      public static final ALspStyleTargetProvider LINE
      The style target provider instance for selecting ILcdCurve geometries.

      public static final ALspStyleTargetProvider AREA_OUTLINE
      The style target provider instance for selecting fused area outlines.

      public static final ALspStyleTargetProvider AREA_FILL
      The style target provider instance for selecting fused area outlines.
    • ALL

      public static final Set<ALspStyleTargetProvider> ALL
      Set of style target providers for all style target types supported in fusion vector data.
  • Method Details

    • getGeometry

      public static Object getGeometry(Object aModelObject, TLspContext aContext)

      Extract the geometry associated with the element at the current level for the tiles that are currently available.

      Returned shapes

    • An ILcdShapeList containing a shape for each visible element of the feature:
    • The top-level object will also implement ILcdDataObject.
    • Restrictions

      • It is possible that you only get a part of the original geometry: if not all tiles geometry were visible, or if some tiles have not yet been loaded.
      • It is possible that the geometry is presented in separate parts, e.g. if a tile in the middle is not yet loaded.
      • Parts of adjacent wiles will always be merged together into one part.
      • It is possible that extra points will be present that were not present in the original geometry. These points are interpolated points and will not be visible.
      aModelObject - the model object (view-independent)
      aContext - a context defining the layer and view for which to get the view-dependent geometry
      the view-dependent (tiled) geometry, can be null