Class ALfnVectorGXYStyleProvider

Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class ALfnVectorGXYStyleProvider extends Object
Since 2017.0 support for coverages of type VECTOR has been superseded with other mechanisms. Please refer to the Fusion migration guide for more information.
An interface to provide ILcdGXYPainterStyles for vector data. There are three main categories of geometries:
  • point: a style for a point is defined by two icons, one for an unselected and one for a selected point
  • line: a style for a line contains both unselected and selected styles
  • area: a style for an area is defined by an outline style and a fill style, each containing both unselected and selected styles

Note that a single feature (data object) may be associated with multiple geometries, resulting in several calls to this style provider, one per geometry.

  • Constructor Details

    • ALfnVectorGXYStyleProvider

      public ALfnVectorGXYStyleProvider()
  • Method Details

    • getIcon

      public abstract ILcdIcon getIcon(ILcdDataObject aDataObject, ILcdPoint aPoint)
      Gets the icon to represent a given point with. Implementations can decide on the icon based on attributes of the data object, or based on the geometry (a point).
      aDataObject - a data object providing attributes
      aPoint - a geometry
      the icon to represent the given point with, possibly null
    • getSelectionIcon

      public abstract ILcdIcon getSelectionIcon(ILcdDataObject aDataObject, ILcdPoint aPoint)
      Gets the icon to represent a given selected point with.
      aDataObject - a data object providing attributes
      aPoint - a geometry
      the icon to represent the given selected point with, possibly null
    • getLineStyle

      public abstract ILcdGXYPainterStyle getLineStyle(ILcdDataObject aDataObject, ILcdCurve aLine)
      Gets the style for a line feature. Implementations may return different styles depending on the data object attributes.
      aDataObject - the data object to get the line style for
      aLine - the line to get the style for
      the style for the line, possibly null
    • getFillStyle

      public abstract ILcdGXYPainterStyle getFillStyle(ILcdDataObject aDataObject, ILfnTiledSurface aArea)
      Gets the fill style for an area feature. Implementations may return different styles depending on the data object attributes. A null fill style means no fill.

      The fill of an object will be painted if its fill style is not null and TLfnVectorGXYPainterProvider.getPaintFills() is true.

      aDataObject - the data object to get the area fill style for
      aArea - the area to get the fill style for
      the fill style for the area, possibly null
    • getOutlineStyle

      public abstract ILcdGXYPainterStyle getOutlineStyle(ILcdDataObject aDataObject, ILfnTiledSurface aArea)
      Gets the outline style for an area feature. Implementations may return different styles depending on the data object attributes. A null outline style means no outline.

      The outline of an object will be painted if its outline style is not null and TLfnVectorGXYPainterProvider.getPaintOutlines() is true.

      aDataObject - the data object to get the area outline style for
      aArea - the area to get the outline style for
      the outline style for the area, possibly null
    • getName

      public abstract String getName()
      Gets the name of this style provider. The name should be meaningful to the user, so that it can be used for instance in a drop-down list.
      the name of this style provider