Class TLcdXMLXPathString


public class TLcdXMLXPathString extends Object
Simple object representing an xpath expression as a string. This object also keeps track of the name space context to allow proper resolution of name space prefixes used in the xpath expression later on.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdXMLXPathString

      public TLcdXMLXPathString(String aExpression, NamespaceContext aNamespaceContext)
      Constructs an xpath string given an xpath expression string and a name space context.
      aExpression - the xpath expression
      aNamespaceContext - the name space context
    • TLcdXMLXPathString

      public TLcdXMLXPathString(String aExpression, Map<String,String> aPrefix2Namespace)
      Constructs an xpath string given an xpath expression string and a name space prefix map.
      aExpression - the xpath expression
      aPrefix2Namespace - a map that maps the prefixes used in the expression to a name space URI
  • Method Details

    • getExpression

      public String getExpression()
      Returns the xpath expression
      the xpath expression
    • getNamespaceContext

      public NamespaceContext getNamespaceContext()
      Returns the namespace context of this object. This name space context can be used to resolve name space uri's for prefixes used in the expression.
      the namespace context that can be used to resolve prefixes in the expression