Uses of Package

This package provides API for decoding and encoding AIXM 5.1 data from/to XML.
Provides support for decoding and encoding GML 2 data, and exporting models to GML 2.
Provides support for decoding and encoding GML 3.1 data, and exporting models to GML 3.1.
Provides support for decoding and encoding GML 3.2 data, and exporting models to GML 3.2.
Provides support for transforming domain objects and model to and from GML.
Provides XML functionality that is common to all GML formats.
This package provides a decoder and a encoder for the KML 2.2 format.
This package provides API for decoding and encoding NVG 1.4/1.5 data from/to XML.
This package provides API for decoding and encoding NVG 2.0 data from/to XML.
This package provides API for decoding and encoding NVG 1.4/1.5/2.0 data from/to XML.
Provides an extension to the XML runtime binding framework com.luciad.format.xml.bind for XML Schema based documents.
Provides an extension on the XML Binding framework in com.luciad.format.xml.bind and com.luciad.format.xml.bind.schema that adds support for automatic binding of XML data to a generic domain model, accessible via the ILcdDataObject interface.
This package provides support for encoding and decoding XLink ( references during the decoding of an XML model.
This package provides support for XPath.
This package provides a new, highly configurable data format.
Contains classes to support encoding and decoding of XML files containing OGC Filter elements to and from the OGC Filter model.
Encoding and decoding of XML files containing Feature Type Styles to and from the SLD model.
Encoding and decoding of XML files containing Styled Layer Descriptors to and from the SLD model.