Interface ILcdXMLSchemaHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ILcdXMLSchemaHandler
Interface for handlers of XML Schemas. Schema handlers are used by the TLcdXMLSchemaBasedDecoder to allow applications to read and analyze XML schemas referred to from within an XML document, while the document is being read. This is necessary when an XML decoder should be capable of dealing with schemas which are not known at compile-time.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    handleSchema(String aNamespaceURI, String aBaseURI, String aSystemID)
    Allows an application to process the specified schema and perform the necessary steps (register new unmarshallers, schema elements, ...) to deal with the specified schema.
  • Method Details

    • handleSchema

      void handleSchema(String aNamespaceURI, String aBaseURI, String aSystemID) throws IOException
      Allows an application to process the specified schema and perform the necessary steps (register new unmarshallers, schema elements, ...) to deal with the specified schema.
      aNamespaceURI - the namespace URI of the schema to be read.
      aBaseURI - the base URI relative to which relative system ID's should be resolved.
      aSystemID - the system ID, absolute or relative, of the XML Schema to be handled.
      IOException - if an exception occurs while reading or processing the schema.