Interface ILcdXMLEncoderLibrary

public interface ILcdXMLEncoderLibrary
Interface for XML encoder libraries, responsible for configuring a TLcdXMLEncoder so that it can be used for marshalling Java object graphs to XML documents.

An ILcdXMLEncoderLibrary should configure the following information on an XML encoder:

  • all marshallers which are provided by this library (see ILcdXMLMarshaller)
  • (optionally) one or more list of Java interfaces which are allowed to be exported to XML elements (see TLcdXMLJavaClassResolver)

Please refer to the package documentation for a general overview of the XML Binding Framework.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Configures the specified TLcdXMLEncoder so that it can be used for marshalling Java object graphs to XML documents for which this library was written.
  • Method Details

    • configureEncoder

      void configureEncoder(TLcdXMLEncoder aEncoder)
      Configures the specified TLcdXMLEncoder so that it can be used for marshalling Java object graphs to XML documents for which this library was written.
      aEncoder - the XML encoder to be configured.