Interface ILcdXMLElementVisitor

public interface ILcdXMLElementVisitor
Use of the com.format.xml API has been deprecated. Instead, use the com.format.xml.bind API.
Interface for visiting XML elements. Implentations of this interface (called visitors) can be passed to objects that have an XML structure (called visitables). The visitable will generate events (call the methods of the visitor) for each XML declaration in the XML structure (elements, attributes, contents, ...). The order in which the methods are called, is fixed. For a given XML element, the calling order is as follows:
  • First, the startElement() method is called, declaring the start of a new XML element.
  • For each prefix mapping that is introduced, the prefix() method is called. This has to be done only once for each prefix mapping, in the element where the prefix is first used (or higher in the XML hierarchy).
  • For each attribute in the current element, the attribute() method is called.
  • Then, for each content of the current element, either the content() method is called, or a recursive call to startElement() (and the other methods), depending on whether the content is a primitive block of character data, or a new XML child element, or . The order in which they are called, should correspond to the order they are present in the parent element.
  • Finally, after all contents have been processed, the endElement() method is called.
This interface follows the visitor pattern, as described in Effective Java, p331.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    attribute(TLcdXMLName aXMLName, Object aValue, String aValueAsString)
    Notifies the presence of an attribute in the current XML element.
    content(Object aContent, String aContentAsString)
    Notifies the presence of character content in the current XML element.
    endElement(ILcdXMLNameStack aElementNameStack, ILcdXMLObjectStack aObjectStack)
    Notifies that the current XML element has been ended.
    prefix(String aNamespaceURI, String aPrefix)
    Notifies that a new prefix mapping is used within the scope of the current XML element.
    startElement(ILcdXMLNameStack aElementNameStack, ILcdXMLObjectStack aObjectStack, Object aVisitable)
    Notifies that a new XML element has been entered.
  • Method Details

    • startElement

      boolean startElement(ILcdXMLNameStack aElementNameStack, ILcdXMLObjectStack aObjectStack, Object aVisitable) throws TLcdXMLInterruptedException
      Notifies that a new XML element has been entered.
      aElementNameStack - the current XML element name stack, containing on top the name of the new XML element that has been entered.
      aObjectStack - the current XML object stack, containing on top the new XML element object that has been entered.
      aVisitable - the visitable object that is used to visit the current XML element. Note that this is not always the object that was initially called to initiate the visit action: a visitable implementation might delegate the visit action of its children to a specialized visitable implementation, in which case the specialized visitable(s) will be passed to the visitor, for each of the children.
      true if the contents of the current XML element should be visited, false if they should be skipped (in the latter case, the prefixes and attributes are still visited, directly followed by an endElement() call).
      TLcdXMLInterruptedException - if the visit action has to be interrupted.
    • prefix

      void prefix(String aNamespaceURI, String aPrefix) throws TLcdXMLInterruptedException
      Notifies that a new prefix mapping is used within the scope of the current XML element.
      aNamespaceURI - the XML namespace which is mapped to the specified prefix.
      aPrefix - the prefix to which the specified namespace is mapped.
      TLcdXMLInterruptedException - if the visit action has to be interrupted.
    • attribute

      void attribute(TLcdXMLName aXMLName, Object aValue, String aValueAsString) throws TLcdXMLInterruptedException
      Notifies the presence of an attribute in the current XML element.
      aXMLName - the XML attribute name
      aValue - the value of the attribute
      aValueAsString - the value of the attribute, as a formatted string, compliant with XML. Escaping of special characters should not be performed.
      TLcdXMLInterruptedException - if the visit action has to be interrupted.
    • content

      void content(Object aContent, String aContentAsString) throws TLcdXMLInterruptedException
      Notifies the presence of character content in the current XML element.
      aContent - the XML content
      aContentAsString - the content, as a formatted string, compliant with XML. Escaping of special characters should not be performed.
      TLcdXMLInterruptedException - if the visit action has to be interrupted.
    • endElement

      void endElement(ILcdXMLNameStack aElementNameStack, ILcdXMLObjectStack aObjectStack) throws TLcdXMLInterruptedException
      Notifies that the current XML element has been ended.
      aElementNameStack - the current XML element name stack, containing on top the name of the new XML element that is ended.
      aObjectStack - the current XML object stack, containing on top the new XML element object that is ended.
      TLcdXMLInterruptedException - if the visit action has to be interrupted.