Interface ILcdXMLElementAdapterProvider

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcdGML2ElementAdapterProvider, TLcdGML3ElementAdapterProvider, TLcdOGCFilterCapabilitiesElementAdapterProvider10, TLcdOGCFilterCapabilitiesElementAdapterProvider11, TLcdOGCFilterElementAdapterProvider10, TLcdOGCFilterElementAdapterProvider11, TLcdSLDFeatureTypeStyleElementAdapterProvider10, TLcdSLDStyledLayerDescriptorElementAdapterProvider10, TLcdXMLCompositeElementAdapterProvider, TLcdXMLTypedElementAdapterProvider

public interface ILcdXMLElementAdapterProvider
Use of the com.format.xml API has been deprecated. Instead, use the com.format.xml.bind API.
A provider of element adapters, used by the XML encoder.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getAdapterForObject

      ILcdXMLElementAdapter getAdapterForObject(ILcdXMLNameStack aParentElementNameStack, ILcdXMLObjectStack aParentObjectStack, TLcdXMLName aSubstitutionGroup, Object aElement)
      Returns the ILcdXMLElementAdapter that is most suitable to handle the object, specified by the given name/object stack, substitution group and object.

      aParentElementNameStack - the XML name stack, containing all XML names from the root element up to the parent element name
      aParentObjectStack - the XML object stack, containing all XML objects from the root element up to the parent element
      aSubstitutionGroup - the substitution group the element belongs to, if there is one (null otherwise).
      aElement - the element for which to return an adapter.
      the element adapter that is most suitable to handle the specified object.