Interface ILcdXMLDocumentContext

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ILcdXMLDocumentContext
Use of the com.format.xml API has been deprecated. Instead, use the com.format.xml.bind API.
Interface for accessing the context of an XML document being decoded. This context allows to store and retrieve variables during the decoding of an XML document. Each variable is stored using a key (to identify the variable), and a scope (to indicate which other readers should be able to access the variable).

Since there is typically only one instance of each ILcdXMLElementReader during the decoding of an XML document, readers cannot store any state about the XML element they are currently processing (e.g., if an XML element has a child element of the same type, the reader would overwrite its own state while reading the child element). The XML document context can be used by readers to safely store contextual information for the current element, using the Scope.LOCAL scope.

Additionally, sometimes information needs to be shared by different readers (e.g., a coordinate system is declared as an attribute of an XML element, and should be applied to all of its children). In this case, the XML context can also be used to store these variables, using the Scope.GLOBAL scope (for document-wide variables) or the Scope.DESCENDANTS scope (for variables that should only be visible by an XML element and all of its children).

An ILcdXMLDocumentContext is typically created by the XML decoder, users shouldn't implement this interface. The decoder will take care of all context management (i.e., storing and retrieving contexts each time another XML element is read).

  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static final class 
    A type-safe enumeration, representing all possible scopes to be used in XML document contexts.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Notifies this document context that the current XML element has been ended.
    Retrieves the value of a variable in the document context.
    Stores a variable in the document context.
    Notifies this document context that a new XML element has been entered.
  • Method Details

    • put

      void put(Object aKey, Object aValue, ILcdXMLDocumentContext.Scope aScope)
      Stores a variable in the document context.
      aKey - the key, used to identify the variable.
      aValue - the value of the variable.
      aScope - the scope, in which the variable should be visible.
      NullPointerException - if aKey or aScope is null.
    • get

      Retrieves the value of a variable in the document context.
      aKey - the key, used to identify the object.
      aScope - the scope in which the variable is stored.
      the value of the variable with the given key and scope, or null if no value was stored yet.
      NullPointerException - if aKey or aScope is null.
    • startElement

      void startElement()
      Notifies this document context that a new XML element has been entered.
    • endElement

      void endElement()
      Notifies this document context that the current XML element has been ended.