Interface ILcdVPFLayerFactoryModel

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcdVPFDatabasePanelModel, TLcdVPFLayerFactoryModel

public interface ILcdVPFLayerFactoryModel
Provides styling information for creating VPF layers.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getGXYLayerIcon

      ILcdIcon getGXYLayerIcon(TLcdVPFFeatureClass aVPFFeatureClass)
      Returns an icon that can be used to represent this feature class, for example, in a layer control or database tree.
      aVPFFeatureClass - The feature class for which to return an icon.
      The icon representing the given feature class, or null if no icon is available for the given feature class.
    • getPointIcon

      ILcdIcon getPointIcon(TLcdVPFFeatureClass aVPFFeatureClass)
      Returns an icon that can be used to represent a feature of the given feature class on a map.
      aVPFFeatureClass - The feature class for which to return an icon.
      The icon representing features of the given feature class, or null if no icon is available for the given feature class.
    • getPointSelectionIcon

      ILcdIcon getPointSelectionIcon(TLcdVPFFeatureClass aVPFFeatureClass)
      Returns an icon that can be used to represent a feature of the given feature class on a map, in selected state.
      aVPFFeatureClass - The feature class for which to return an icon.
      The icon representing features of the given feature class in selected state, or null if no icon is available for the given feature class.
    • getTextForeground

      Color getTextForeground(TLcdVPFFeatureClass aVPFFeatureClass)
      Returns a color that can be used to draw textual descriptions for feature of the given feature class on a map.
      aVPFFeatureClass - The feature class for which to return a text color.
      The color for drawing textual descriptions for features of the given feature class, or null if no text color is available for the given feature class.
    • getTextFont

      Font getTextFont(TLcdVPFFeatureClass aVPFFeatureClass)
      Returns a font that can be used to draw textual descriptions for feature of the given feature class on a map.
      aVPFFeatureClass - The feature class for which to return a font.
      The font for drawing textual descriptions for features of the given feature class, or null if no text font is available for the given feature class.
    • getLineStyle

      ILcdGXYPainterStyle getLineStyle(TLcdVPFFeatureClass aVPFFeatureClass)
      Returns a line style that can be used to represent a feature of the given feature class on a map.
      aVPFFeatureClass - The feature class for which to return a line style.
      The line style representing features of the given feature class, or null if no line style is available for the given feature class.
    • getFillStyle

      ILcdGXYPainterStyle getFillStyle(TLcdVPFFeatureClass aVPFFeatureClass)
      Returns a fill style that can be used to represent a feature of the given feature class on a map.
      aVPFFeatureClass - The feature class for which to return a fill style.
      The icon representing features of the given feature class, or null if no fill style is available for the given feature class.
    • getModelType

      int getModelType(TLcdVPFFeatureClass aVPFFeatureClass)
      Returns the type of model of the feature class.
      aVPFFeatureClass - The feature class.
      The type of model of the feature class.
    • getScaleRange

      ILcdInterval getScaleRange(TLcdVPFFeatureClass aVPFFeatureClass)
      Returns the scale range in which the given feature class should be shown.
      aVPFFeatureClass - The feature class for which to return a scale range.
      The scale range in which the feature class should be shown, or null if no scale range is available for the given feature class.
    • isAreaFilled

      boolean isAreaFilled(TLcdVPFFeatureClass aVPFFeatureClass)
      Return true if the areas of this feature class should be filled.
      aVPFFeatureClass - The feature class for which to returned whether areas should be filled..
      true if areas of the given feature class should be filled, false otherwise.