Interface ILcdSVGShapeFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcdSVGUnStyledLonLatShapeFactory, TLcdSVGUnStyledXYShapeFactory

public interface ILcdSVGShapeFactory
This interface represents a factory for ILcdShape used in the TLcdSVGContentHandler. It must be set to the TLcdSVGSAXModelDecoder . It can create an element from an Attributes. ILcdShapeList is a special case. First the factory is asked to create an empty one. The handler will ask the factory to create the actual ILcdShapeList from the created one (with properties) and the shapes that have been collected int the meantime. The problem is that when the new instance of the ILcdShapeList must be created, all the elements in it are not known,but the instance must be created in order to preserve the properties. To extend this class, unsupported ILcdShape can be added by overwriting the createUnknownShape to create the shape and setUnknownShapeText to add a text to the shape.
  • Method Details

    • createCircle

      ILcdCircle createCircle(Attributes aAttributes)
      Creates an ILcdCircle form given Attributes.
      aAttributes - the Attributes containing the info to create the object.
      the created ILcdCirlce.
    • createPolyline

      ILcdPolyline createPolyline(Attributes aAttributes)
      Creates an ILcdPolyline form given Attributes.
      aAttributes - the Attributes containing the info to create the object.
      the created ILcdCirlce.
    • createLine

      ILcdPolyline createLine(Attributes aAttributes)
      Creates an ILcdPolyline form given Attributes. A Line is a Polyline with only 2 points.
      aAttributes - the Attributes containing the info to create the object.
      the created ILcdCirlce.
    • createPolygon

      ILcdPolygon createPolygon(Attributes aAttributes)
      Creates an ILcdPolygon form given Attributes.
      aAttributes - the Attributes containing the info to create the object.
      the created ILcdPolygon.
    • createPath

      ILcdShape createPath(Attributes aAttributes)
      Creates an ILcdShape from given Attributes. This shape can be a ILcdPolyline or a ILcdPolygon, depending on whether the path is closed or not, or a ILcdShapeList containing ILcdPolyline objects and/or ILcdPolygon objects.
      aAttributes - the Attributes containing the info to create the object.
      the created ILcdShape.
    • createBounds

      ILcdBounds createBounds(Attributes aAttributes)
      Creates n ILcdBounds form given Attributes.
      aAttributes - the Attributes containing the info to create the object.
      the created ILcdBounds.
    • createText

      ILcdText createText(Attributes aAttributes)
      Creates an ILcdText form given Attributes.
      aAttributes - the Attributes containing the info to create the object.
      the created ILcdText.
    • createEmptyShapeList

      ILcdShapeList createEmptyShapeList(Attributes aAttributes)
      Creates an empty ILcdShapeList form given Attributes.
      aAttributes - the Attributes containing the info to create the object.
      the created ILcdShapeList.
    • createShapeList

      ILcdShapeList createShapeList(ILcdShapeList aShapeList, ILcdShape[] aShapeArray)
      Creates an ILcdShapeList based on an existing ILcdShapeList and an Array of ILcdShape.
      aShapeList - the ILcdShapeList.
      aShapeArray - the Array of ILcdShape to fill the object.
      the created ILcdShapeList.
    • createPoint

      ILcdPoint createPoint(Attributes aAttributes)
      Creates a ILcdPoint form given Attributes. This is a non - true - svg object!
      aAttributes - the Attributes containing the info to create the object.
      the created ILcdPoint.
    • createEllipse

      ILcdEllipse createEllipse(Attributes aAttributes)
      Creates a ILcdEllipse form given Attributes. This is a non - true - svg object!
      aAttributes - the Attributes containing the info to create the object.
      the created ILcdEllipse.
    • createArcBand

      ILcdArcBand createArcBand(Attributes aAttributes)
      Creates a ILcdArcBand form given Attributes. This is a non - true - svg object !
      aAttributes - the Attributes containing the info to create the object.
      the created ILcdArcBand.
    • setText

      void setText(ILcdText aTextObject, String aText)
      Sets a String as the text of an ILcdText.
      aTextObject - a ILcdText.
      aText - a String.
    • createUnknownShape

      ILcdShape createUnknownShape(Attributes aAttributes, String aLocalName)
      creates an unknown ILcdShape of type aLocalname.
      aAttributes - the attributes to create the unknown shape.
      aLocalName - the type of the unknown shape, the name of the xml element.
      the created ILcdShape
    • endUnknownShape

      void endUnknownShape()
      This method is called by the TLcdSVGContentHandler when an unknown element was handled, regardless of whether or not this created a shape.
    • setUnknownShapeText

      void setUnknownShapeText(Object aObject, String aText)
      Sets a String as text to the unknown shape. The text is the character data between the begin and end tag of the unknown shape.
      aObject - a Object, the unknown shape.
      aText - a String, the text to set to the unknown shape.