Class TLcdS57DataTypes


public class TLcdS57DataTypes extends Object
This class provides static access to the S-57 data model and its types.

Note that it does only provide access to the data types which are common to all S-57 products.

Product specific information, such as ENC or AML object classes, is stored in the product-specific data model. This can be retrieved via the TLcdS57ObjectClassMapDecoder.

  • Field Details

    • ObjectType

      public static final TLcdDataType ObjectType
      Abstract super type of all S-57 feature objects.
    • EnumeratedType

      public static final TLcdDataType EnumeratedType
      S-57 enumerated attribute type; each value is selected from a predefined list of attribute values, specific to the attribute.
    • CodedStringType

      public static final TLcdDataType CodedStringType
      S-57 coded string attribute type; each value is a string of ASCII characters in a predefined format, specific to the attribute.
  • Method Details

    • getDataModel

      public static TLcdDataModel getDataModel()
      Returns the S-57 data model. This data model contains the static part of S-57 that is common to all S-57 products:
      • A common super type for all S-57 objects
      • S-57 specific attribute types
      the S-57 data model.