Class TLcdS57CatalogueDataSource

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TLcdS57CatalogueDataSource extends Object implements ILcdDataSource
A data source for S-57 catalogues or virtual catalogues. It can be decoded by the com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57CatalogueModelDecoder.

This data source contains a list of one or more S-57 catalogue sources (CATALOG.031 files), and/or individual cell files (.000, .001, .002, ... files). In case of multiple catalogues and/or cells, the catalogues will be decoded as one virtual catalogue.

An optional id can be set on the data source; the id is used by the SENC cache as the unique identifier to refer to this data source.

This data source can also be used for catalogues/cells containing S-63 encrypted data. In that case it can be decoded by the com.luciad.format.s63.TLcdS63CatalogueModelDecoder or the com.luciad.format.s63.TLcdS63UnifiedModelDecoder.

Warning: it is not allowed to mix S-63 and S-57 data in the same TLcdS57CatalogueDataSource instance, nor is it allowed to mix data of different product types. The TLcdS57CatalogueDataSource will accept such a mix, but the model decoding will fail.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdS57CatalogueDataSource

      protected TLcdS57CatalogueDataSource(TLcdS57CatalogueDataSource.Builder aBuilder)

      Creates a new TLcdS57CatalogueDataSource based on the information in the Builder.

      This constructor is only here for subclasses. If you want to create a new TLcdS57CatalogueDataSource, you should call the method on a builder instance.

      aBuilder - The builder
  • Method Details

    • getId

      public String getId()
      Returns the unique ID of this data source. This is used to identify the data source in the SENC cache.
      the unique ID of this data source
    • getCatalogueSources

      public List<String> getCatalogueSources()
      Returns all catalogue sources which are part of this data source.
      all catalogue sources which are part of this data source.
      See Also:
    • getCellSources

      public List<String> getCellSources()
      Returns all cell sources which are part of this data source.
      all cell sources which are part of this data source.
      See Also:
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdDataSource
      Returns a string description of the data source. This will typically be used in a GUI, or in error and warning messages.
      Specified by:
      getDescription in interface ILcdDataSource
      a String describing the data source.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object aO)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • newBuilder

      public static TLcdS57CatalogueDataSource.Builder newBuilder()
      Returns a new, empty builder for a TLcdS57CatalogueDataSource.
      a new, empty builder for a TLcdS57CatalogueDataSource.