Class TLcdDTEDModelDescriptor

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdImageModelDescriptor, ILcdModelDescriptor, Serializable

public class TLcdDTEDModelDescriptor extends TLcdRasterModelDescriptor implements ILcdImageModelDescriptor
A TLcdRasterModelDescriptor for models containing DTED data. The descriptor points to the information present in a single DTED cell.
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final String TYPE_NAME
      Type name identifying the DTED format type.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdDTEDModelDescriptor

      public TLcdDTEDModelDescriptor(String aSourceName, String aDisplayName, TLcdDTEDCellDescriptor aDTEDCellDescriptor)
      Creates a new TLcdDTEDModelDescriptor with the given source name, display name, and cell descriptor.
    • TLcdDTEDModelDescriptor

      public TLcdDTEDModelDescriptor(String aSourceName, String aDisplayName, String aTypeName, TLcdDTEDCellDescriptor aDTEDCellDescriptor)
      Creates a new TLcdDTEDModelDescriptor with the given source name, display name, type name, and cell descriptor.
  • Method Details

    • getDTEDCellDescriptor

      public TLcdDTEDCellDescriptor getDTEDCellDescriptor()
      Returns the cell descriptor that corresponds to a single DTED.