Class TLcdPOLGeometryFactory


public class TLcdPOLGeometryFactory extends Object
A factory class to create open and closed geometries.
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdPOLGeometryFactory

      public TLcdPOLGeometryFactory()
  • Method Details

    • createClosedGeometry

      public static Object createClosedGeometry(String aName, String aType, boolean aSetColorFlag, int aColorIndex, String aAltitudeUnit, double aMinAltitude, double aMaxAltitude, ILcd2DEditablePointList aPointList)
      Creates a closed geometry based on the given parameters.
      aName - the name of the POL geometry to create.
      aType - the type of the POL geometry to create.
      aSetColorFlag - true if the color flag should be set
      aColorIndex - the color index of the POL geometry to create.
      aAltitudeUnit - the altitude unit of the POL geometry to create.
      aMinAltitude - the minimum altitude of the POL geometry to create.
      aMaxAltitude - the maximum altitude of the POL geometry to create.
      aPointList - the points this geometry consists of.
      a closed geometry based on the given parameters
    • createOpenGeometry

      public static Object createOpenGeometry(String aName, String aType, boolean aSetColorFlag, int aColorIndex, String aAltitudeUnit, double aMinAltitude, double aMaxAltitude, ILcd2DEditablePointList aPointList)
      Creates a open geometry based on the given parameters.
      aName - the name of the POL geometry to create.
      aType - the type of the POL geometry to create.
      aSetColorFlag - true if the color flag should be set
      aColorIndex - the color index of the POL geometry to create.
      aAltitudeUnit - the altitude unit of the POL geometry to create.
      aMinAltitude - the minimum altitude of the POL geometry to create.
      aMaxAltitude - the maximum altitude of the POL geometry to create.
      aPointList - the points this geometry consists of.
      an opened geometry based on the given parameters