Class TLcdOpenFlightVertex


public class TLcdOpenFlightVertex extends Object
Represents a single vertex. Has a position and an optional color, normal and texture coordinates.

Please refer to the OpenFlight specification for more details on the semantics of this class and its properties.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdOpenFlightVertex

      public TLcdOpenFlightVertex(double[] aPosition, float[] aColor, double[] aNormal, double[] aTexCoords)
      Creates a new vertex with the given attributes. The position is required, the other attributes are allowed to be null.
      aPosition - an array of 3 doubles specifying the XYZ coordinates of the vertex
      aColor - an array of 4 floats specifying an ABGR color for the vertex
      aNormal - an array of 3 doubles specifying the normal vector of the vertex
      aTexCoords - an array of 2 doubles specifying the texture coordinates of the vertex
  • Method Details

    • getPosition

      public double[] getPosition()
      Returns the position of this vertex.
      an array of 3 doubles specifying the XYZ coordinates of the vertex
    • getNormal

      public double[] getNormal()
      Returns the normal vector of this vertex.
      an array of 3 doubles specifying the normal vector of the vertex
    • getColor

      public float[] getColor()
      Returns the color of this vertex.
      an array of 4 floats specifying an ABGR color for the vertex
    • getTexCoords

      public double[] getTexCoords()
      Returns the texture coordinates of this vertex.
      an array of 2 doubles specifying the texture coordinates of the vertex
    • getColorNameIndex

      public int getColorNameIndex()
    • setColorNameIndex

      public void setColorNameIndex(int aColorNameIndex)
    • getFlags

      public int getFlags()
    • setFlags

      public void setFlags(int aFlags)
    • getVertexColorIndex

      public int getVertexColorIndex()
    • setVertexColorIndex

      public void setVertexColorIndex(int aVertexColorIndex)