Class TLcdOpenFlight3DMeshStyle

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TLcdOpenFlight3DMeshStyle extends Object implements ILcd3DMeshStyle
An implementation of ILcd3DMeshStyle used in conjunction with OpenFlight scenes. This class bundles information obtained from the material and texture palettes, as well as from individual face nodes.
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdOpenFlight3DMeshStyle

      public TLcdOpenFlight3DMeshStyle()
  • Method Details

    • isCullBackFaces

      public boolean isCullBackFaces()
      Returns true if backfacing polygons may be culled.
      true if backfacing polygons may be culled
    • setCullBackFaces

      public void setCullBackFaces(boolean aCullBackFaces)
      Specifies whether backfacing polygons may be culled.
      aCullBackFaces - true if backfaces may be culled
      See Also:
    • isLit

      public boolean isLit()
      Returns true if primitives using this style should be lit.
      true if primitives using this style should be lit
    • setLit

      public void setLit(boolean aLit)
      Specifies whether primitives using this style should be lit.
      aLit - true if primitives using this style should be lit
      See Also:
    • getAmbientColor

      public Color getAmbientColor()
      Description copied from interface: ILcd3DMeshStyle
      Returns the ambient color of this style. If the ambient color is unknown, returns Color.BLACK.
      Specified by:
      getAmbientColor in interface ILcd3DMeshStyle
      the ambient color of this style
    • setAmbientColor

      public void setAmbientColor(Color aAmbientColor)
      Sets the ambient color of this style.
      aAmbientColor - a Color
      See Also:
    • getDiffuseColor

      public Color getDiffuseColor()
      Description copied from interface: ILcd3DMeshStyle
      Returns the diffuse color of this style. If the diffuse color is unknown, returns Color.WHITE.
      Specified by:
      getDiffuseColor in interface ILcd3DMeshStyle
      the diffuse color of this style
    • setDiffuseColor

      public void setDiffuseColor(Color aDiffuseColor)
      Sets the diffuse color of this style.
      aDiffuseColor - a Color
      See Also:
    • getSpecularColor

      public Color getSpecularColor()
      Description copied from interface: ILcd3DMeshStyle
      Returns the specular color of this style. If the specular color is unknown, returns Color.BLACK.
      Specified by:
      getSpecularColor in interface ILcd3DMeshStyle
      the specular color of this style
    • setSpecularColor

      public void setSpecularColor(Color aSpecularColor)
      Sets the specular color of this style.
      aSpecularColor - a Color
      See Also:
    • getEmissiveColor

      public Color getEmissiveColor()
      Description copied from interface: ILcd3DMeshStyle
      Returns the emissive color of this style. If the emissive color is unknown, returns Color.BLACK.
      Specified by:
      getEmissiveColor in interface ILcd3DMeshStyle
      the emissive color of this style
    • setEmissiveColor

      public void setEmissiveColor(Color aEmissiveColor)
      Sets the emissive color of this style.
      aEmissiveColor - a Color
      See Also:
    • getOpacity

      public double getOpacity()
      Returns the opacity of this style. Values are in the range of 0 to 1, inclusive, with 0 being fully transparent and 1 being fully opaque.
      the opacity of this style
    • setOpacity

      public void setOpacity(double aOpacity)
      Sets the opacity of this style.
      aOpacity - the new opacity value
      See Also:
    • getShininess

      public double getShininess()
      Description copied from interface: ILcd3DMeshStyle
      Returns the specular exponent of this style. The value must lie between 0 and 128, inclusive. If the specular exponent is unknown, returns zero.
      Specified by:
      getShininess in interface ILcd3DMeshStyle
      the specular exponent of this style
    • setShininess

      public void setShininess(double aShininess)
      Sets the specular exponent of this style. The value must lie between 0 and 128, inclusive.
      aShininess - the specular exponent
      See Also:
    • getTextureSourceName

      public String getTextureSourceName()
      Description copied from interface: ILcd3DMeshStyle
      Returns the path to a texture map for this style, or null if no texture is present.
      Specified by:
      getTextureSourceName in interface ILcd3DMeshStyle
      the path to a texture map for this style
    • setTextureSourceName

      public void setTextureSourceName(String aTextureSourceName)
      Sets the name of the texture image to be used with this style.
      aTextureSourceName - the name of a texture image
      See Also:
    • isUseVertexColor

      public boolean isUseVertexColor()
      Returns true if this style should derive color information from the vertices in an ILcd3DMesh. Otherwise, colors are derived from this mesh style instead.
      true if this style should derive color information from the vertices in an ILcd3DMesh
    • setUseVertexColor

      public void setUseVertexColor(boolean aUseVertexColor)
      Specifies whether vertex colors should be used instead of the colors defined in this mesh style.
      aUseVertexColor - true if vertex colors should be used
      See Also:
    • isTransparent

      public boolean isTransparent()
      Description copied from interface: ILcd3DMeshStyle
      Returns true if this style is transparent.
      Specified by:
      isTransparent in interface ILcd3DMeshStyle
      true if this style is transparent
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object aObject)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object