Uses of Class

Packages that use TLcd3DMeshBuilder
This package defines interfaces for the modelling of arbitrary 3D geometries.
  • Uses of TLcd3DMeshBuilder in com.luciad.format.object3d

    Modifier and Type
    TLcd3DMeshBuilder.arrow(double aInnerRadius, double aOuterRadius, double aTipLength, double aTotalLength)
    Sets the builder so to create a 3D arrow mesh with the given dimensional parameters. aSizeX, double aSizeY, double aSizeZ)
    Sets the builder so to create a 3D box (parallelepiped) of given dimensions along X, Y, and Z axis.
    TLcd3DMeshBuilder.cone(double aBaseRadius, double aTopRadius, double aHeight)
    Sets the builder so to create a cone mesh with given base and top radius and height.
    TLcd3DMeshBuilder.cross(double aSizeX, double aSizeY, double aSizeZ)
    Sets the builder so to create a 3D cross, i.e. a shape consisting of three axis-aligned (X,Y,Z) segments.
    TLcd3DMeshBuilder.ellipsoid(double aRadiusX, double aRadiusY, double aRadiusZ)
    Sets the builder so to create an ellipsoid with given radial dimensions in X, Y, and Z axis.
    TLcd3DMeshBuilder.orientation(TLcd3DMeshBuilder.AxisOrientation aOrientation)
    Sets the orientation of the main axis (axis of symmetry) of the mesh to be built.
    TLcd3DMeshBuilder.pyramid(double aBaseWidth, double aTopWidth, double aHeight)
    Sets the builder so to create a 3D pyramidal frustrum with given dimensional parameters, i.e. base width, top width and height.
    TLcd3DMeshBuilder.sliceCount(int aSliceCount)
    Sets the slice count, i.e. the number of side surface subdivisions for the mesh to be built; a higher number of subdivisions will ensure a smoother appearance of the side surface.
    TLcd3DMeshBuilder.stackCount(int aStackCount)
    Sets the stack count, i.e. the number of vertical surface subdivisions for the mesh to be built; a higher number of subdivisions will ensure a smoother appearance of the surface. aStyle)
    Sets the style for the mesh to be built.