Class TLcdNVG20ModelDescriptor

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdAnnotatedElement, ILcdDataModelDescriptor, ILcdModelDescriptor, Serializable

public class TLcdNVG20ModelDescriptor extends TLcdNVGModelDescriptor
Model descriptor for NVG 2.0 data.
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final String TYPE_NAME
      Type name identifying the NVG 2.0 format type.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdNVG20ModelDescriptor

      public TLcdNVG20ModelDescriptor(String aSourceName)
      Creates a new TLcdNVG20ModelDescriptor, initialized with the specified source name.
      aSourceName - the full name that uniquely identifies the data source from which this descriptor's model was decoded.
    • TLcdNVG20ModelDescriptor

      public TLcdNVG20ModelDescriptor(String aSourceName, String aDisplayName)
      Creates a new TLcdNVG20ModelDescriptor, initialized with the specified source name.
      aSourceName - the full name that uniquely identifies the data source from which this descriptor's model was decoded.
      aDisplayName - a displayable name for the model.
  • Method Details

    • getModelElementTypes

      public Set<TLcdDataType> getModelElementTypes()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdDataModelDescriptor

      Returns a set containing all the data types of which instances can be elements in the model associated with this descriptor. Implementations are free to limit the result to only include the types of which there are actually elements in the model; but they are not required to do so.

      Implementations should return null in case they don't know which element types are present in the model.

      For each element of the model associated with this model descriptor, the following holds true : getModelElementTypes().contains( element.getDataType() ).

      Specified by:
      getModelElementTypes in interface ILcdDataModelDescriptor
      getModelElementTypes in class TLcdDataModelDescriptor
      a set containing all the data types of which instances can be elements in the model associated with this descriptor