Class TLcdNetCDFModelDescriptor.GRIBMetadata

Enclosing class:

public static class TLcdNetCDFModelDescriptor.GRIBMetadata extends Object
This class contains GRIB metadata for GRIB versions 1 and 2.
  • Method Details

    • getVersion

      public int getVersion()
      Returns the GRIB version. This is 1 or 2. Depending on the GRIB version, some of the properties contain a value or not. This is specified in their respective getters.
      the GRIB version.
    • getOriginatingCenterId

      public int getOriginatingCenterId()

      Returns the identification number of the originating center. Table 0 of the GRIB specification defines the centers corresponding to the originating center IDs.

      This property is available for GRIB versions 1 and 2.

      the identification number of the originating center.
    • getSubCenterId

      public int getSubCenterId()

      Returns the identification number of the subcenter. Table C of the GRIB specification defines the subcenters corresponding to the subcenter IDs.

      This property is available for GRIB versions 1 and 2.

      the identification number of the subcenter.
    • getParameterTableVersion

      public int getParameterTableVersion()

      Returns the Parameter Table Version number. This property is available for GRIB versions 1 and 2. Note that for GRIB version 2, an additional local version is available as well: getParameterLocalTableVersion().

      This property is available for GRIB version 1 and 2.

      the parameter table version number.
    • getParameterLocalTableVersion

      public int getParameterLocalTableVersion()

      Returns the Parameter Local Table Version number.

      This property is available for GRIB version 2. If this is not the case, this method returns -1.

      the parameter table version number.
    • getParameterId

      public int getParameterId()

      Returns the identification number of the parameter. Table B of the GRIB specification defines the parameters corresponding to the parameter indicators.

      This property is available for GRIB versions 1 and 2.

      the identification number of the parameter.
    • getParameterName

      public String getParameterName()

      Returns the parameter name.

      This property is available for GRIB version 2. If this is not the case, this method returns "Unknown".

      the parameter name.
    • getLevelId

      public int getLevelId()

      Returns the identification number of the level or layer. Table 3 of the GRIB specification defines the levels corresponding to the level IDs.

      This property is available for GRIB versions 1 and 2.

      the identification number of the level or layer.
    • getLevelName

      public String getLevelName()

      Returns the name of the level or layer of the GRIB file if set, or "unknown".

      This property is available for GRIB versions 1 and 2.

      the name of the level or layer
    • getParameterDisciplineId

      public int getParameterDisciplineId()

      Returns the parameter discipline identifier.

      This property is available for GRIB version 2. If this is not the case, this method returns -1.

      The parameter discipline identifier.
    • getParameterDisciplineName

      public String getParameterDisciplineName()

      Returns the parameter discipline name.

      This property is available for GRIB version 2. If this is not the case, this method returns "Unknown".

      The parameter discipline name.
    • getParameterCategoryId

      public int getParameterCategoryId()

      Returns the parameter category identifier.

      This property is available for GRIB version 2. If this is not the case, this method returns -1.

      the parameter category identifier.
    • getParameterCategoryName

      public String getParameterCategoryName()

      Returns the parameter category name.

      This property is available for GRIB version 2. If this is not the case, this method returns "Unknown".

      the parameter category name.