Class TLcdMIFDataTypes


public class TLcdMIFDataTypes extends Object

Provides a data model for the MapInfo Interchange Format.

The data model consists of a static and a dynamic part:

  • Static data model: Contains a single abstract data type: graphicalObjectType. All elements of a MapInfo Interchange Format file are of graphicalObjectType
  • Dynamic data model: Can vary on a model to model basis, depending on the meta-data supplied with the model. It contains a top level data type that matches the name of the model, and one or more of the following sub-datatypes: charType, integerType, smallIntType, decimalType, floatType, dateType, logicalType
  • Field Details

    • GraphicalObjectType

      public static final TLcdDataType GraphicalObjectType
      Represents the model element TLcdDataType used by all MIF and MAP model elements.
    • CharType

      public static final TLcdDataType CharType
      Represents a MIF/MAP Char type
    • SmallIntType

      public static final TLcdDataType SmallIntType
      Represents a MIF/MAP Small Int type
    • DecimalType

      public static final TLcdDataType DecimalType
      Represents a MIF/MAP Decimal type
    • DateType

      public static final TLcdDataType DateType
      Represents a MIF/MAP Date type
    • LogicalType

      public static final TLcdDataType LogicalType
      Represents a MIF/MAP Logical type
  • Method Details

    • getDataModel

      public static TLcdDataModel getDataModel()
      Gets the static MIF data model.
      The static MIF data model.