Class TLcdMGCPGXYLayerFactory

All Implemented Interfaces:

@LcdService(service=ILcdGXYLayerFactory.class, priority=20001) public final class TLcdMGCPGXYLayerFactory extends Object implements ILcdGXYLayerFactory

A GXY Layer factory which can create GXY layers for MGCP 2.0 compliant models. Models are MGCP compliant when the data model descriptor has a data property "FCODE" or similar ("f-code", "fCode"). This includes models decoded by TLcdMGCPModelDecoder, but also SHP files that have such a property.

The returned layer is configured with a scale range and model query config in order not to overload the map. You can change these directly on the returned TLcdGXYLayer.

  • Base features, such as primary roads, cities, woods, and water, are always visible.
  • More feature types, such as roads, rivers, and railways, become visible between the scales 1:100000 and 1:400000.
  • All features are visible once users zoom in below scale 1:100000.
  • Labels become visible from map scale 1:100000 upwards.

To use this factory you can consult the tutorial.
If you want to apply custom styling you can follow this guide.
