Package com.luciad.format.metadata.model.distribution

package com.luciad.format.metadata.model.distribution

This package contains information about the distributor of, and options for obtaining, a resource. It contains the optional MD_Distribution entity. MD_Distribution is an aggregate of the options for the digital distribution of a dataset (MD_DigitalTransferOptions), identification of the distributor (MD_Distributor) and the format of the distribution (MD_Format), which contains mandatory and optional elements. MD_DigitalTransferOptions contains the medium used for the distribution (MD_Medium) of a dataset, and is an aggregate of MD_Distributor. MD_Distributor's other aggregate is the process for ordering a distribution (MD_StandardOrderProcess).

The "distributionFormat" role of MD_Distribution is mandatory if the "distributorFormat" role of MD_Distributor is not documented.

The "distributorFormat" role of MD_Distributor is mandatory if the "distributionFormat" role of MD_Distribution is not documented.

This package is described in ISO19115:2003 in figure A.12 (diagram) and B.2.10 (data dictionary).
