Package com.luciad.format.metadata.model.dataquality

package com.luciad.format.metadata.model.dataquality

This package contains a general assessment of the quality of the dataset. The DQ_DataQuality entity is optional and contains the scope of the quality assessment. DQ_DataQuality is an aggregate of LI_Lineage and DQ_Element. DQ_Element can be specified as DQ_Completeness, DQ_LogicalConsistency, DQ_PositionalAccuracy, DQ_ThematicAccuracy and DQ_TemporalAccuracy. Those five entities represent Elements of data quality and can be further subclassed to the sub-Elements of data quality. Users may add additional elements and sub-elements of data quality by sub-classing DQ_Element or the appropriate sub-element.

This package also contains information about the sources and production processes used in producing a dataset. The LI_Lineage entity is optional and contains a statement about the lineage. LI_Lineage is an aggregate of LI_ProcessStep and LI_Source.

Either the "report" or "lineage" roles of DQ_DataQuality DQ_DataQuality.scope.DQ_Scope.level has a value of "dataset".

The "levelDescription" element of DQ_Scope is mandatory if the "level" element of DQ_Scope does not have a value of "dataset" or "series".

The "statement" element of LI_Lineage is mandatory if DQ_DataQuality.scope.DQ_Scope.level has a value of "dataset" or "series" and the LI_Lineage roles of "source" and "processStep" are not documented.

The "source" role of LI_Lineage is mandatory if the "statement" element and the "processStep" role of LI_Lineage are not documented.

The "processStep" role of LI_Lineage is mandatory if the "statement" element and the "source" role of LI_Lineage are not documented.

Either the "description" or "sourceExtent" element of LI_Source must be documented.

This package is described in ISO19115:2003 in figure A.11 (diagram) and B.2.9 (data dictionary).
