Class TLcdKML22GXYViewParametersUpdater


public class TLcdKML22GXYViewParametersUpdater extends Object
This class is used to update all parameters of a TLcdKML22Parameters which are derived from a 2D view.

A property change listener can be attached to the view to update the KML parameters whenever a a relevant view property has been changed, as follows:

   ILcdGXYView view = ...
   TLcdKMl22GXYViewParametersUpdater updater = ..

   view.addPropertyChangeListener( new PropertyChangeListener() {
     public void propertyChange( PropertyChangeEvent evt ) {
       // The KML parameters are computed from the worldOrigin and scale.
       if ( "worldOrigin".equals( evt.getPropertyName() ) || "scale".equals( evt.getPropertyName() ) ) {
   } );
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdKML22GXYViewParametersUpdater

      public TLcdKML22GXYViewParametersUpdater(TLcdKML22Parameters aParameters)
      Creates a new updater that will update the specified KML parameter map whenever the updateParameters method is called.
      aParameters - A KML parameter map to be synchronized with a view.
  • Method Details

    • updateParameters

      public void updateParameters(ILcdGXYView aView)

      Updates the parameters of the KML parameter map of this updater according to the state of the specified view.

      This method will also configure the asynchronousAllowed value of the KML parameters, based on the ILcdGXYView.isAsynchronousAllowed() method. If synchronous is not allowed, then the parameter will be set to false, otherwise it will be set to true

      aView - the view from which to derive KML parameter values.