Class TLcdJPIPModelDescriptor

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdImageModelDescriptor, ILcdModelDescriptor, Serializable

public class TLcdJPIPModelDescriptor extends TLcdMultilevelRasterModelDescriptor implements ILcdImageModelDescriptor
This TLcdMultilevelRasterModelDescriptor describes models containing JPEG2000 multi-level rasters retrieved using the JPIP protocol.

The JPEG2000 standard defines a number of so called boxes which contain a certain type of data. Some of the optional boxes which may contain metadata are available from this model descriptor.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdJPIPModelDescriptor

      public TLcdJPIPModelDescriptor(String aSourceName, String aDisplayName)
      Creates a new TLcdJPIPModelDescriptor with the given source name and display name.
  • Method Details

    • getLevelCount

      public int getLevelCount()
      Returns the number of levels in the first image.
      the number of levels
    • getWidth

      public int getWidth(int aLevel)
      Returns the width of the specified level in the first image.

      Level 0 is the least detailed level and the detail increases with the level count.

      aLevel - the level in [0, #getLevelCount[
      the width of the level in pixels
    • getHeight

      public int getHeight(int aLevel)
      Returns the height of the specified level in the first image.

      Level 0 is the least detailed level and the detail increases with the level count.

      aLevel - the level in [0, #getLevelCount[
      the height of the level in pixels
    • getComponentCount

      public int getComponentCount()
      Returns the number of components in the image.
      the number of components in the image
    • getComponentSize

      public int getComponentSize(int aIndex)
      Returns the size in bits of the specified component in the image.

      Note that this component size may be differ from the component size in the ILcdRaster. See TLcdJPIPModelDecoder for details.

      aIndex - the component index in [0, #getComponentCount[
      the height of the level in pixels
    • getUUIDBox

      public TLcdJPEG2000Box getUUIDBox()
      Returns the uuid metadata box.
      the uuid metadata box or null if it is not present
      See Also:
    • getXMLBoxes

      public List<TLcdJPEG2000Box> getXMLBoxes()
      Returns the available xml metadata boxes.
      the xml metadata boxes
      See Also:
    • getAssociationBoxes

      public List<TLcdJPEG2000AssociationBox> getAssociationBoxes()
      Returns the available association metadata boxes.
      the association metadata boxes
      See Also: