Class TLcdGRIB2ParameterTableDecoder

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Deprecated public class TLcdGRIB2ParameterTableDecoder extends Object implements ILcdInputStreamFactoryCapable
The NetCDF decoder should be used to decode GRIB data.
A decoder class for reading GRIB2 parameter table text files. The TLcdGRIB2ParameterTableDecoder decodes parameter table files as formatted below. It contains a header section and the parameters section. The header section defines for which center, subcenter, table version, discipline, and category these parameters apply to. In the parameters section each line defines a mapping of a parameter ID to an abbreviation, a description and a unit.


 Organization: USA NCEP
 Usage: GRIB Standard
 Center: 0
 SubCenter: 0
 TableVersion: 2
 LocalTableVersion: 1
 Discipline: 0
 Category: 0

 1,VTMP,K,Virtual Temperature
 2,POT,K,Potential Temperature
 3,EPOT,K,Pseudo-Adiabatic Potential Temperature (or Equivalent Potential Temperature)
 4,T MAX,K,Maximum Temperature*
 5,T MIN,K,Minimum Temperature*
 6,DPT,K,Dew Point Temperature
 7,DEPR,K,Dew Point Depression (or Deficit)
 8,LAPR,K m-1,Lapse Rate
 9,TMP A,K,Temperature Anomaly
 10,LHTFL,W m-2,Latent Heat Net Flux
 11,SHTFL,W m-2,Sensible Heat Net Flux
 12,HEATX,K,Heat Index
 13,WCF,K,Wind Chill Factor
 14,MINDPD,K,Minimum Dew Point depression*
 15,VPTMP,K,Virtual Potential Temperature
 16,SNOHF,Wm-2,Snow phase change heat flux
 17,SKINT,K,Skin Temperature
 192,SNOHF,W m-2,Snow Phase Change Heat Flux
 193,TTRAD,K s-1,Temperature tendency by all radiation
 194,REV,,Relative Error Variance
 195,LRGHR,K/s,Large Scale Condensate Heating rate
 196,CNVHR,K/s,Deep Convective Heating rate
 197,THFLX,W m-2,Total Downward Heat Flux at Surface
 198,TTDIA,K s-1,Temperature Tendency By All Physics
 199,TTPHY,K s-1,Temperature Tendency By Non-radiation Physics
 200,TSD1D,K,Standard Dev. of IR Temp. over 1x1 deg. area
 201,SHAHR,K/s,Shallow Convective Heating rate
 202,VDFHR,K/s,Vertical Diffusion Heating rate
 203,THZ0,K,Potential temperature at top of viscous sublayer
 204,TCHP,J/m2K,Tropical Cyclone Heat Potential