Class ALcdGMLAbstractFeatureAnnotation

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
TLcdGML2AbstractFeatureAnnotation, TLcdGML31AbstractFeatureAnnotation, TLcdGML32AbstractFeatureAnnotation

public abstract class ALcdGMLAbstractFeatureAnnotation extends Object implements ILcdAnnotation
Annotation that can be added to a data type. It specifies whether or not the annotated type is to be represented in GML as a feature type. Data object types that do not have this annotation are by default mapped as feature types.
  • Constructor Details

    • ALcdGMLAbstractFeatureAnnotation

      public ALcdGMLAbstractFeatureAnnotation(boolean aAbstractFeature)
      Creates a new instance
      aAbstractFeature - true if the annotated type is to be represented as an extension of the GML AbstractFeatureType.
  • Method Details

    • isAbstractFeature

      public boolean isAbstractFeature()
      Returns true if the annotated type is to be represented in GML as an extension of the GML AbstractFeatureType. Returns false if the type is to be represented as a custom user-defined type that is not a feature type.
      if the annotated type is to be represented as an extension of GML AbstractFeatureType