Class TLcdGML31ModelDescriptor

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdAnnotatedElement, ILcdDataModelDescriptor, ILcdModelDescriptor, ILcdFeaturedDescriptorProvider, Serializable

public class TLcdGML31ModelDescriptor extends TLcdGMLModelDescriptor implements ILcdFeaturedDescriptorProvider
Implementation of ILcdModelDescriptor for GML 3.1 data.

In addition to all information provided via the ILcdModelDescriptor interface, this descriptor also provides XML related information, such as the schemas that were used for reading and interpreting the XML data, and a NamespaceContext.

See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdGML31ModelDescriptor

      public TLcdGML31ModelDescriptor(String aSourceName, TLcdDataModel aDataModel)
      Creates a new com.luciad.format.gml31.xml.TLcdGML31ModelDescriptor, initialized with the specified source name.
      aSourceName - the full name that uniquely identifies the data source from which this descriptor's model was decoded.
      aDataModel - the data model that describes the model
    • TLcdGML31ModelDescriptor

      public TLcdGML31ModelDescriptor(String aSourceName, String aDisplayName, TLcdDataModel aDataModel)
      Creates a new com.luciad.format.gml31.xml.TLcdGML31ModelDescriptor, initialized with the specified source name.
      aSourceName - the full name that uniquely identifies the data source from which this descriptor's model was decoded.
      aDisplayName - a displayable name for the model.
      aDataModel - the data model that describes the model
  • Method Details