Interface ILcdGML3Association

All Superinterfaces:
ILcdGML3AssociationAttributeGroup, ILcdXMLSimpleLink

public interface ILcdGML3Association extends ILcdGML3AssociationAttributeGroup
This class has been deprecated. The GML decoders and encoders in the com.luciad.format.gml3.* packages are replaced by new decoders and encoders in the packages com.luciad.format.gml2.xml, com.luciad.format.gml31.xml and com.luciad.format.gml32.xml.
Interface for the gml:AssociationType type.

A pattern or base for derived types used to specify complex types corresponding to an unspecified UML association - either composition or aggregation. Restricts the cardinality of Objects contained in the association to a maximum of one.

(GML Specification, v3.1.0, paragraph )

  • Method Details

    • getObject

      Object getObject()
      Returns the object referenced by this association.
      the object referenced by this association.
    • setObject

      void setObject(Object aAssociatedObject)
      Sets the object to be referenced by this association.
      aAssociatedObject - the object to be referenced by this association.