Class TLcdGeoSPOTSceneDescriptor


public class TLcdGeoSPOTSceneDescriptor extends Object
This descriptor contains information corresponding to GeoSPOT IMSPATIO.RSC fields for a given scene.

See Also:
  • "Spatiocartes Defense, Specification de produit numerique, Annexe B - Contenu des fichiers GeoSPOT, Edition 1.0"
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdGeoSPOTSceneDescriptor

      public TLcdGeoSPOTSceneDescriptor()
  • Method Details

    • getSceneID

      public String getSceneID()
      Returns the identifier of a scene.
    • setSceneID

      public void setSceneID(String aSceneID)
      Sets the identifier of a scene.
    • getImagingDate

      public String getImagingDate()
      Returns the scene imaging date.
    • setImagingDate

      public void setImagingDate(String aImagingDate)
      Sets the scene imaging date.
    • getImagingTime

      public String getImagingTime()
      Returns the scene imaging time.
    • setImagingTime

      public void setImagingTime(String aImagingTime)
      Sets the scene imaging time.
    • getMission

      public String getMission()
      Returns the mission identifier of the scene.
    • setMission

      public void setMission(String aMission)
      Sets the mission identifier of the scene.
    • getSensor

      public String getSensor()
      Returns the sensor type.
    • setSensor

      public void setSensor(String aSensor)
      Sets the sensor type.
    • getMode

      public String getMode()
      Returns the scene mode.
    • setMode

      public void setMode(String aMode)
      Sets the scene mode.
    • getSceneRectElev

      public double getSceneRectElev()
      Returns the average altitude used for rectification.
    • setSceneRectElev

      public void setSceneRectElev(double aSceneRectElev)
      Sets the average altitude used for rectification.
    • getNoBandsUsed

      public int getNoBandsUsed()
      Returns the number of bands used.
    • getRSCBand

      public String getRSCBand(int aBandIndex)
      Returns the description of a particular band.
    • setRSCBand

      public void setRSCBand(int aBandIndex, String aDescription)
      Sets the description of a particular band.
    • getIncidenceAngle

      public double getIncidenceAngle()
      Returns the incidence angle.
    • setIncidenceAngle

      public void setIncidenceAngle(double aIncidenceAngle)
      Sets the incidence angle.
    • getGridReference

      public String getGridReference()
      Returns the grid reference.
    • setGridReference

      public void setGridReference(String aGridReference)
      Sets the grid reference.
    • getShiftValue

      public int getShiftValue()
      Returns the shift value.
    • setShiftValue

      public void setShiftValue(int aShiftValue)
      Sets the shift value.
    • getInputLevel

      public String getInputLevel()
      Returns the input level.
    • setInputLevel

      public void setInputLevel(String aInputLevel)
      Sets the input level.
    • getTheoreticalRes

      public String getTheoreticalRes()
      Returns the theoretical resolution of the sensor.
    • setTheoreticalRes

      public void setTheoreticalRes(String aTheoreticalRes)
      Sets the theoretical sensor resolution.
    • getSunAzimuth

      public double getSunAzimuth()
      Returns the azimuth of the sun.
    • setSunAzimuth

      public void setSunAzimuth(double aSunAzimuth)
      Sets the azimuth of the sun.
    • getSunElevation

      public double getSunElevation()
      Returns the elevation of the sun.
    • setSunElevation

      public void setSunElevation(double aSunElevation)
      Sets the elevation of the sun.
    • getSensorGains

      public double getSensorGains()
      Returns the sensor gain.
    • setSensorGains

      public void setSensorGains(double aSensorGains)
      Sets the sensor gain.
    • getSensorOffset

      public double getSensorOffset()
      Returns the sensor offset.
    • setSensorOffset

      public void setSensorOffset(double aSensorOffset)
      Sets the sensor offset.