Uses of Package

Packages that use com.luciad.format.gdf
Handles the GDF format.
  • Class
    Describes a GDF Attribute.
    This class represents the different directions that can be associated with an attribute.
    Represents a GDF complex feature.
    This interface describes general properties of a GDF Feature.
    This interface maps feature classes on feature themes.
    Represents a GDF point feature.
    Represents a GDF relationship.
    This interface represents a source description, as defined in the GDF specification.
    Provides general information about an attribute type, defined by its attribute type code.
    Represents a country, with its ISO 3166 Country Code and a textual description.
    Immutable class representing the unique identifier of a GDF dataset, consisting of the dataset identifier.
    Represents the different data types that are available within GDF data fields.
    Represents the different data units that are available within GDF data.
    This class represents all feature categories that are available within GDF.
    Provides general information about a feature class, identified by its feature class code.
    Immutable class representing the unique identifier of a feature, consisting of the section key, the feature category and the feature identifier.
    This class represents all feature themes that are available within GDF.
    Represents a language, with its MARC Language Code and a textual description.
    Immutable class representing the unique identifier of a layer, consisting of the dataset identifier and the layer identifier of the layer.
    Provides general information about a relationship type, defined by its relationship type code.
    Immutable class representing the unique identifier of a section, consisting of the layer key and the section identifier of the section.