Class TLcdGDFMultiLevelTiler


public class TLcdGDFMultiLevelTiler extends Object
Creates spatial tiles of a GDF model.
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdGDFMultiLevelTiler

      public TLcdGDFMultiLevelTiler()
  • Method Details

    • createTiledModel

      public ILcdModel createTiledModel(ILcdModel aModel, double tile_width, double tile_height, ILcdFilter[] aLevelOfDetailFilters, double[] aRanges)
      Creates a tiled model (a double array of models) from a given model, with each tile having a fixed width and height.
      aModel - the model to be tiled.
      tile_width - the tile width.
      tile_height - the tile height.
      aLevelOfDetailFilters - the filters to be used to filter the features of the model.
      aRanges - the ranges in which each level of detail should be visible. The scale range of the first filter is defined by the first and second double value, the range of the second filter is defined by the second and the third value, etc.
      a double array of models, each containing all features within a rectangle of the given width and height.