Class TLcdDGNModelBoundsDecoder


public class TLcdDGNModelBoundsDecoder extends Object
This class allows to decode the global bounds of the elements in Intergraph Standard File Formats (ISFF, with the extension DGN). These file formats are common to Bentley's MicroStation and Intergraph's Interactive Graphics Design System.

By default, all element levels are decoded. You can restrict the decoding to the levels you are interested in using the following methods:

By default, all element classes are decoded. You can restrict the decoding to the classes you are interested in using the following methods:

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdDGNModelBoundsDecoder

      public TLcdDGNModelBoundsDecoder()
  • Method Details

    • getDefaultExtension

      public String getDefaultExtension()
    • canDecodeSource

      public boolean canDecodeSource(String aSourceAsString)
      true if the file extension is <defaultExtension> or <defaultExtension>.gz, <code>false</code> otherwise (<defaultExtension> is the String returned by getDefaultExtension).
    • decode

      public ILcdBounds decode(String aFullPathFileName) throws IOException
    • resetLevelSelection

      public void resetLevelSelection()
      Resets the list of DGN levels that is included into decoded models. All DGN levels will now be included in the models when decoding DGN files.
    • setLevelSelection

      public void setLevelSelection(int[] aLevels)
      Sets the list of DGN levels that is included into all decoded models.
      aLevels - the levels to be included in the decoded models. DGN levels are numbered from 1 through 63. They don't have to be listed in any specific order, and duplicate numbers are allowed.
    • resetElementClassSelection

      public void resetElementClassSelection()
      Resets the list of DGN element classes that is included into decoded models; All DGN element classes will now be included in the models when decoding DGN files.
    • setElementClassSelection

      public void setElementClassSelection(int[] aElementClasses)
      Sets the list of element classes that is included into decoded models. This property allows to exclude certain classes from the decode models, e.g. construction elements.
      aElementClasses - the element classes to be included in the decoded models. They don't have to be listed in any specific order, and duplicate entries are allowed.

      The available DGN element classes are

      • TLcdDGNDisplayInfo.CLASS_PRIMARY
      • TLcdDGNDisplayInfo.CLASS_PATTERN
      • TLcdDGNDisplayInfo.CLASS_DIMENSION