Class TLcdDGNLevel

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TLcdDGNLevel extends Object implements Serializable
This class represents a DGN level, with its ID, name, description, and symbology. A level has two symbologies: - the element symbology: a color, a weight, and a style, which is used to display elements on that level when 'bylevel' value is set on the symbology fields of the element. - the level symbology: a color, weight and style, which is used to display elements on that level when the Level Symbology of the view is turned on, so long as the override flags for color, style and weight of the level are set to true.
See Also:
  • Constructor Summary

    TLcdDGNLevel(int aID, String aName, String aDescription, boolean aHasColorOverride, boolean aHasWeightOverride, boolean aHasStyleOverride, boolean aHasFillColorOverride, int aOverrideColor, int aOverrideWeight, int aOverrideStyle, int aFillColor)
    Creates a new TLcdDGNLevel with the given properties.
    TLcdDGNLevel(int aID, String aName, String aDescription, boolean aHasColorOverride, boolean aHasWeightOverride, boolean aHasStyleOverride, boolean aHasFillColorOverride, int aOverrideColor, int aOverrideWeight, int aOverrideStyle, int aFillColor, int aElementColor, int aElementWeight, int aElementStyle)
    Creates a new TLcdDGNLevel with the given properties.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the overriding color of the elements in this level.
    Returns the level description.
    This call does not take RGB colors into account.
    Returns the element color of the elements on this level, which is used to display the elements that have the 'bylevel' color value.
    Returns the element style of the elements on this level, which is used to display the elements that have the 'bylevel' style value.
    Returns the element weight of the elements on this level, which is used to display the elements that have the 'bylevel' weight value.
    Returns the overriding fill color of the elements in this level.
    Returns the level ID (level code).
    Returns the level name.
    Returns the level number.
    Returns the overriding style of the elements in this level.
    Returns the overriding weight of the elements in this level.
    Returns whether the level overrides the colors of its elements.
    Returns whether the level overrides the fill colors of its elements.
    Returns whether the level overrides the styles of its elements.
    Returns whether the level overrides the weights of its elements.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdDGNLevel

      public TLcdDGNLevel(int aID, String aName, String aDescription, boolean aHasColorOverride, boolean aHasWeightOverride, boolean aHasStyleOverride, boolean aHasFillColorOverride, int aOverrideColor, int aOverrideWeight, int aOverrideStyle, int aFillColor, int aElementColor, int aElementWeight, int aElementStyle)
      Creates a new TLcdDGNLevel with the given properties.
    • TLcdDGNLevel

      public TLcdDGNLevel(int aID, String aName, String aDescription, boolean aHasColorOverride, boolean aHasWeightOverride, boolean aHasStyleOverride, boolean aHasFillColorOverride, int aOverrideColor, int aOverrideWeight, int aOverrideStyle, int aFillColor)
      Creates a new TLcdDGNLevel with the given properties.
  • Method Details

    • getID

      public int getID()
      Returns the level ID (level code).
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Returns the level name.
    • getNumber

      public int getNumber()
      Returns the level number.
      the level number
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Returns the level description.
    • hasColorOverride

      public boolean hasColorOverride()
      Returns whether the level overrides the colors of its elements.
    • hasWeightOverride

      public boolean hasWeightOverride()
      Returns whether the level overrides the weights of its elements.
    • hasStyleOverride

      public boolean hasStyleOverride()
      Returns whether the level overrides the styles of its elements.
    • hasFillColorOverride

      public boolean hasFillColorOverride()
      Returns whether the level overrides the fill colors of its elements.
    • getColor

      public int getColor()
      Returns the overriding color of the elements in this level. This is the color used when the view level symbology is turned on.
    • getWeight

      public int getWeight()
      Returns the overriding weight of the elements in this level. This is the weight used when the view level symbology is turned on.
    • getStyle

      public int getStyle()
      Returns the overriding style of the elements in this level. This is the style used when the view level symbology is turned on.
    • getFillColor

      public int getFillColor()
      Returns the overriding fill color of the elements in this level.
    • getElementColor

      public int getElementColor()
      This call does not take RGB colors into account. Use getElementColor(TLcdDGNColorTable) instead.
      Returns the element color index of the elements on this level, which is used to display the elements that have the 'bylevel' color value.
      the element color
    • getElementWeight

      public int getElementWeight()
      Returns the element weight of the elements on this level, which is used to display the elements that have the 'bylevel' weight value.
      the element color
    • getElementStyle

      public int getElementStyle()
      Returns the element style of the elements on this level, which is used to display the elements that have the 'bylevel' style value.
      the element color
    • getElementColor

      public Color getElementColor(TLcdDGNColorTable aColorTable)
      Returns the element color of the elements on this level, which is used to display the elements that have the 'bylevel' color value.
      aColorTable - the color table to use
      the element color