Class TLcdDAFIFTRunwayDataProperties


public final class TLcdDAFIFTRunwayDataProperties extends Object
This class provides easy access to the properties of the Runway type.
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final TLcdDataProperty AERODROME_IDENTIFICATION
      The identification of the aerodrome. The aerodrome identification is of the type String.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty HIGH_END_IDENTIFIER
      The identification of the high end direction. The high end identifier is of the type String.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty LOW_END_IDENTIFIER
      The identification of the low end direction. The low end identifier is of the type String.
    • LENGTH

      public static final TLcdDataProperty LENGTH
      The length of the runway. The length is of the type Double.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty LENGTH_UNIT
      The unit of measurement of the length. The unit of measurement of the length is of type TLcdDistanceUnit.
    • WIDTH

      public static final TLcdDataProperty WIDTH
      The width of the runway. The width is of the type Double.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty WIDTH_UNIT
      The unit of measurement of the width. The unit of measurement of the width is of the type TLcdDistanceUnit.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty SURFACE_TYPE
      A code indicating the composition of the runway surface. The surface type is of the type TLcdRunwaySurfaceType.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty PAVEMENT_CLASSIFICATION_NUMBER
      A code reporting the pavement strength. The pavement classification number is of the type String.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty CLOSED_UNUSABLE
      A boolean flag indicating whether the runway is closed or not. The type of the usability flag is Boolean.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty CYCLE_DATE
      Identifies the calendar period in which the record was added to the DAFIFT file or last revised. The first two digits indicate the century, the next two digits indicate the year and the last two digits indicate the 28 day cycle in which the addition/change was made. The cycle date is of the type String.