Class TLcdDAFIFCommunicationDataProperties


public final class TLcdDAFIFCommunicationDataProperties extends Object
This class provides easy access to the properties of the Communication type.
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final TLcdDataProperty COMMUNICATION_TYPE
      A code uniquely identifying the type of communications facility. The communication type feature is of type TLcdCommunicationType

      public static final TLcdDataProperty COMMUNICATION_NAME
      The call sign of the communication facilities other than the name of the referenced airport or heliport. The communication name is of type String.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty SYMBOLS
      A code which uniquely identifies specific capabilities of the communication facility:
      • R - Radar capability
      • V - VHF emergency frequency 121.5 monitored
      • U - UHF emergency frequency 243.0 monitored
      • E - VHF and UHF emergency frequencies monitored
      • .
      The communication symbol is of type TLcdSymbolType

      public static final TLcdDataProperty FREQUENCY_1
      A frequency (1 of 5) that will allow communication with the identified facility. This field will not have an implied decimal and it will contain the unit of measurement in (K) kilohertz or (M) Megahertz. The frequency is of type String.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty FREQUENCY_2
      A frequency (2 of 5) that will allow communication with the identified facility. This field will not have an implied decimal and it will contain the unit of measurement in (K) kilohertz or (M) Megahertz. The frequency is of type String.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty FREQUENCY_3
      A frequency (3 of 5) that will allow communication with the identified facility. This field will not have an implied decimal and it will contain the unit of measurement in (K) kilohertz or (M) Megahertz. The frequency is of type String.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty FREQUENCY_4
      A frequency (4 of 5) that will allow communication with the identified facility. This field will not have an implied decimal and it will contain the unit of measurement in (K) kilohertz or (M) Megahertz. The frequency is of type String.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty FREQUENCY_5
      A frequency (5 of 5) that will allow communication with the identified facility. This field will not have an implied decimal and it will contain the unit of measurement in (K) kilohertz or (M) Megahertz. The frequency is of type String.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty COMMUNICATION_TYPE_MULTIPLIER
      When a unique communications type has more than one entry, the multiplier will indicate the next entry. All communications type multipliers will have at least one populated. The multiplier is of type Integer.

      Example: POST - command post, when a given airport has two of the same type, i.e. Andrews AFB has two command posts, one for the air force and one for the navy, this would require two entries, multiplier one (1) for the air force entry and a multiplier of two (2) for the navy entry.


      public static final TLcdDataProperty SPECIFIC_OPERATING_HOURS
      Hours of operation that apply specifically to frequencies which are different from the airport/heliport operating hours. The operating hours are of type String.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty REMARKS
      Information determined to be essential, expressed in human readable format The remarks are of type String.