Class TLcdDAFIFParachuteJumpAreaDecoder

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdDAFIFDecoder, ILcdInputStreamFactoryCapable, ILcdModelDecoder

public class TLcdDAFIFParachuteJumpAreaDecoder extends ALcdDAFIFSingleModelDecoder
This extension of the ALcdDAFIFSingleModelDecoder decodes parachute jump areas from a DAFIF source file. Decoded models have as model descriptor an instance of TLcdDAFIFParachuteJumpAreaModelDescriptor.

The objects in decoded models are based on the AIS domain objects available in com.luciad.ais.model, which all implement ILcdDataObject. This interface provides a generic and format-independent way of accessing the type and properties (features) of a domain object.

For this decoder, the type of the decoded objects is TLcdDAFIFDataTypes.ParachuteJumpArea, which can also be retrieved through ILcdDataObject.getDataType(). The available properties of the objects are defined in TLcdDAFIFParachuteJumpAreaDataProperties. The values for these properties can be retrieved through ILcdDataObject.getValue(com.luciad.datamodel.TLcdDataProperty).

Next to ILcdDataObject, the objects in decoded models also implement ILcdFeatured, the former interface to access the properties (features) of a domain object. This is still fully supported, and explained in the following comments.

The setParachuteJumpAreaFeaturesToBeDecoded method allows the user to specify which DAFIF features are decoded into the featured model objects.

If no features to be decoded are specified, all features will be decoded.

The following fields (taken from the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) Product Specifications for Digital Aeronautical Flight Information File (DAFIF), Seventh Edition, May 2001) are supported by the decoder. The list indicates into which feature the fields are decoded.

  • ICAO REGION: ILcdDAFIFParachuteJumpAreaFeature.ICAO_CODE
  • NAME: ILcdDAFIFParachuteJumpAreaFeature.NAME
  • HOURS: ILcdDAFIFParachuteJumpAreaFeature.HOURS

DAFIF decoders rely on a specific set of key features that uniquely define an object. This set of features must always be included in the set of features to be decoded. For parachute jump areas the key features are:

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdDAFIFParachuteJumpAreaDecoder

      @Deprecated public TLcdDAFIFParachuteJumpAreaDecoder(ALcdAISObjectFactory aFactory)
      Constructs a new TLcdDAFIFParachuteJumpAreaDecoder object. The user should specify which domainFactory he or she wants to use to create the parachute jump areas.
      aFactory - the factory to be used to create the model objects
    • TLcdDAFIFParachuteJumpAreaDecoder

      public TLcdDAFIFParachuteJumpAreaDecoder(TLcdAISDataObjectFactory aFactory)
      Constructs a new TLcdDAFIFParachuteJumpAreaDecoder object. The user should specify which factory he or she wants to use to create the parachute jump areas.
      aFactory - the factory to be used to create the model objects
    • TLcdDAFIFParachuteJumpAreaDecoder

      @Deprecated public TLcdDAFIFParachuteJumpAreaDecoder(ALcdAISObjectFactory aFactory, Properties aDAFIFProperties)
      Constructs a new TLcdDAFIFParachuteJumpAreaDecoder object. The user should specify which domainFactory he or she wants to use to create the parachute jump areas.
      aFactory - the factory to be used to create the model objects
      aDAFIFProperties - a Properties object that contains for each domain object the appropriate file name
    • TLcdDAFIFParachuteJumpAreaDecoder

      public TLcdDAFIFParachuteJumpAreaDecoder(TLcdAISDataObjectFactory aFactory, Properties aDAFIFProperties)
      Constructs a new TLcdDAFIFParachuteJumpAreaDecoder object. The user should specify which factory he or she wants to use to create the parachute jump areas.
      aFactory - the factory to be used to create the model objects
      aDAFIFProperties - a Properties object that contains for each domain object the appropriate file name
  • Method Details

    • getDisplayName

      public String getDisplayName()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdModelDecoder
      Returns a short, displayable name for the format that is decoded by this ILcdModelDecoder.
      Specified by:
      getDisplayName in interface ILcdModelDecoder
      getDisplayName in class ALcdDAFIFDecoder
      the displayable name of this ILcdModelDecoder.
    • getDecodeFileName

      public String getDecodeFileName()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdDAFIFDecoder
      Returns the name of the file to be decoded.

      Each domain object has its own file name. This method returns the name of the data file for the domain objects decoded by this DAFIF decoder.

      the name of the source file
    • createModelDescriptor

      protected ILcdModelDescriptor createModelDescriptor(String aSource)
      Description copied from class: ALcdDAFIFSingleModelDecoder
      Creates and returns the model descriptor to be set on the model returned in the decode method.
      Specified by:
      createModelDescriptor in class ALcdDAFIFSingleModelDecoder
      aSource - the source that will be used to decode
      a model descriptor describing the data in the model created in the decode method
    • handleRecord

      protected final void handleRecord(int aFormat, char[] aRecord)
      Description copied from class: ALcdDAFIFSingleModelDecoder
      Deals with one record of input.
      Specified by:
      handleRecord in class ALcdDAFIFSingleModelDecoder
      aFormat - the format of the record
      aRecord - the record
    • setParachuteJumpAreaDefaultDisplayNameIndex

      public void setParachuteJumpAreaDefaultDisplayNameIndex(int aParachuteJumpAreaDefaultDisplayNameIndex)
      Specifies the index of the feature to be used as display name.
      aParachuteJumpAreaDefaultDisplayNameIndex - the index of the feature to be used as display name
    • setParachuteJumpAreaFeaturesToBeDecoded

      public void setParachuteJumpAreaFeaturesToBeDecoded(String[] aParachuteJumpAreaFeaturesToBeDecoded)
      Specifies the features that should be decoded into the parachute jump area objects of the model that will be returned by the decode method.

      Please make sure that the IDENTIFICATION feature is in your list.

      aParachuteJumpAreaFeaturesToBeDecoded - a list of features that should be decoded into the parachute jump area objects